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2 Round ONE: Introduction to Sociology

3 Round ONE, Question 1 Question: Sociology is the study of… Answer:
Human societies and social behaviors

4 Round ONE, Question 2 Question:
Sociologists look at everyday life as if they are seeing it for the first time. What is the phrase used to describe this? Answer: “Seeing the familiar as strange”(or seeing the strange in the familiar)

5 Round ONE, Question 3 Question:
Mrs. Sociologist wants to understand the role of the family in the socialization process. Is this Micro-Sociology or Macro-Sociology…and WHY? Answer: Macro – “Big Picture”

6 Round ONE, Question 4 Question:
Jane is a white, middle-class, teenager at MHS. John is a 50 year-old Hispanic who is a day laborer. They both have very different worldviews as a result of their ___________. Answer: Social Location

7 Round ONE, Question 5 Question:
This philosopher coined the term “sociology” and is the known as the “Father of Sociology” Answer: Auguste Comte

8 Round ONE, Question 6 Question:
Identify TWO of the major historical events that influenced the development of the study of sociology…get all three and get an extra point! Answer: Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, Urbanization

9 Round TWO: Theoretical Perspectives

10 Round TWO, Question 1 Question:
Which of the major theoretical perspectives views society as the product of everyday interactions between individuals? Answer: Symbolic-Interactionism

11 Round TWO, Question 2 Question:
Which of the major theoretical perspectives grew out of Marx’s belief that conflict between the “Have’s” and “Have-Nots” created social change? Answer: Conflict Theory

12 Round TWO, Question 3 Question:
Describe the Structural-Functionalist theoretical perspective Answer: Society is system of interrelated parts Each part has a function/purpose to promote solidarity and stability

13 Round TWO, Question 4 Question:
The intended, or_________ function of cars is to provide transportation; but the unintended, or ________ function of cars is to be a status symbol Answer: Manifest; Latent

14 Round TWO, Question 5 Question:
The comic below represents which theoretical perspective? Answer: Conflict Theory

15 Round TWO, Question 6 Question:
The comic below represents which theoretical perspective? Answer: Symbolic-Interactionist

16 Round THREE: Research Methods

17 Round THREE, Question 1 Question:
What is the FIRST STEP in the research process? Answer: Clearly define the problem

18 Round THREE, Question 2 Question:
This is the variable that may be influenced by the experimental treatment Answer: Dependent Variable

19 Round THREE, Question 3 Question:
A study about teenage drivers showed that students who paid more money for their cars were less likely to get into accidents. This is an example of a __________ correlation. Answer: Negative (or inverse)

20 Round THREE, Question 4 Question:
In order to provide a baseline against which an experimenter can evaluate the effects of a specific variable, researchers must make use of a ________________. Answer: Control Group

21 Round THREE, Question 5 Question:
What THREE things MUST be present for causation to exist? (yes, you must have all three!!) Answer: Correlation, Time Order, Rule out all other explanations

22 Round FOUR: Sociological Motivation

23 Round FOUR, Question 1 Question:
Approaches to motivation that place value on external forces focus on what? Answer: Incentives

24 Round FOUR, Question 2 Question:
An inborn biological force that determines behavior Answer: Instinct

25 Round FOUR, Question 3 Question: The goal in Drive-Reduction Theory
Answer: Achieve homeostasis

26 Round FOUR, Question 4 Question:
Give an example of a physiological need according to Maslow’s Hierarchy Answer: Food, water, warmth, rest

27 Round FOUR, Question 5 Question:
Identify Maslow’s “needs” in correct ascending order (bottom to top) Answer: Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Belongingness/Love Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization

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