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How to write a CV

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a CV"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a CV

2 Brainstorming for your CV
Know what a CV generally contains Contact information Education Work experience Skills Trainings Interests and Achievements References

3 Brainstorming for your CV
Consider the job you’re applying for Research the company Know what they are looking for Know what specific skills are required for the position

4 Brainstorming for your CV
Make a list of the jobs you have held or trainings you attended List them in reverse chronological order and put the dates you started and ended

5 Brainstorming for your CV
Brainstorm your hobbies and interests Try to list hobbies and interests that portray you as a team-player rather than a solitary person. Companies usually prefer employees who can work well in a team. Examples of hobbies that paint a positive image: Being a captain of your sports team Organizing a charity event for the orphanage Secretary of your student-run government

6 Brainstorming for your CV
Make a list of your relevant skills Computer skills (Wordpress, Excel, etc.) Language skills Targeted skills (job-specific skills)

7 Writing your CV List your name, address, contact number and your at the top of the page. Your name should be in bold letters and in a larger font than the rest of your personal information

8 Writing your CV Write a personal profile Optional
An in-depth look at you as a person This is where you sell your skills, experiences, and personal qualities. Original and well-written Use positive words: adaptable, confident, determined

9 Writing your CV Education and qualifications
In reverse chronological order Include dates and universities Include title of thesis (if applicable) Include honors awarded

10 Writing your CV Skills and achievements Jobs you previously held
Skills developed through experiences Published works, lectures given, classes taught, etc.

11 Writing your CV Hobbies and interests
List any relevant interests that paint you in the most positive light.

12 Writing your CV References
People you have worked with who can credibly support praises that they give you Professors Previous employers Contact them before putting them as reference Include their full names, contact number and

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