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Bell Ringer In your bell ringers please answer the following prompts:

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1 Bell Ringer In your bell ringers please answer the following prompts:
Are political parties important? Why or why not? Is it important to have more than one political party? Is it important to vote? Why or why not? Bell Ringer

2 Politics

3 Political parties exist because people have different views
Political parties have evolved in the world and in the United states. Political parties are ever changing “Yellow Dog” is a term referring to a person who is so loyal to their party they would vote for their political party, even if the candidate was a yellow dog.

4 1820 No Women can vote Free African Americans cannot vote Democratic Expansion leads to a group called the Jacksonian Democrats Parties started having nomination conventions, which were public meetings where the public could select candidates Native Americans were not citizens, did not have any political rights or representation – the were sovereign nations and removed from their traditional lands to “Indian Territory”

5 The Jacksonian Democrats
This party arose from opposition to the policies of the ruling Federalist Party, dominated by Alexander Hamilton, that advocated a strong central government, a loose interpretation of the Constitution, and a republic governed by well-educated elites The Jacksonian Democrats

6 idealized the independent ("yeoman") farmer as the exemplar of virtue, and distrusted cities, banks, and other monied interests Jefferson and Madison thought that States rights was the keystone to the party in 1798 The party was strongest in the south and west, and weakest in New England. Many Democrats thought that Henry Clay Won the 1824 election because of a corrupt bargain with John Quincy Adams and were determined to get Jackson elected as president.

7 Adams Backers were called National Republicans
Jackson’s political platform in 1828 was that he was born poor and rose to success while his rival Adams was Harvard educated and his father had been president. Adams was described as being as cold as a lump of ice.

8 Jackson wins and he rewards his supporters with government jobs-this is called the spoils system…to the victor goes the spoils.

9 They supported the supremacy of congress over the executive branch favored a program of modernization and economic development They want a weak president, strong legislature Martin Van Buren was a Democrat who was president The Whigs

10 During Van Buren’s Presidency there is the 1837 financial crisis, that opened the door for the Whigs
1840 the Whigs Run William Henry Harrison for President with Tyler running for vice president. Harrison’s political slogan was “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” They win! But Prophet’s hex comes true, he dies after inauguration.


12 The Republican party was created in 1854 in opposition to the Kansas Nebraska Act that would have allowed the expansion of slavery into Kansas. The name "Republican" gained such favor in because “republicanism" was the paramount political value the new party meant to uphold. The Republicans

13 The party founders adopted the name "Republican" to indicate it was the carrier of "republican" beliefs about civic virtue, and opposition to aristocracy and corruption. Besides opposition to slavery, the new party put forward a progressive vision -- emphasizing higher education, banking, railroads, industry and cities, while promising free homesteads to farmers.

14 They vigorously argued that free-market labor was superior to slavery and the very foundation of civic virtue and true American values - this is the "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men" ideology John C. Freemont ran as the first Republican nominee for President in 1865, using the political slogan: “Free soil, Free labor, Free Speech, Free men, Frémont.“ The Republicans Next run Abraham Lincoln. Republicans still often refer to their party as the "party of Lincoln" in honor of the first Republican President.

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