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Guess That Beak! Animal Adaptations Science rules!

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Presentation on theme: "Guess That Beak! Animal Adaptations Science rules!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess That Beak! Animal Adaptations Science rules!

2 What’s this beak used for?
chiseling b) probing c) spearing d) cracking seeds

3 What’s this beak used for?
chiseling b) scooping c) tearing meat d) cracking seeds

4 What’s this beak used for?
eating insects b) getting nectar from flowers c) straining d) chiseling

5 What’s this beak used for?
eating insects b) tearing meat c) probing d) chiseling

6 What’s this beak used for?
cracking seeds b) tearing meat c) probing d) eating insects

7 What’s this beak used for?
cracking seeds b) tearing meat c) straining d) probing

8 What’s this beak used for?
probing b) eating nuts + fruit c) straining d) tearing meat

9 What’s this beak used for?
tearing meat b) eating nuts + fruit c) probing d) getting nectar from flowers

10 What’s this beak used for?
straining b) eating insects c) probing d) tearing meat

11 What’s this beak used for?
a) eating insects b) probing + straining c) spearing d) tearing meat

12 What’s this beak used for?
a) cracking seeds b) probing c) tearing meat d) chiseling

13 Good Work!

14 Busy Beaks Investigation
Toothpick Tweezers Heron Wren Clothespin Spoon Spoonbill Cardinal

15 Busy Beaks Investigation
FOODS = = Soft Foods Raisins Worms Pipe Cleaners = = Seeds Cheerios Snails + Crustaceans Jelly Beans

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