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MIWP-6: Registers and registries

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1 MIWP-6: Registers and registries
Michael Lutz MIG-T meeting, March 2015, Madrid

2 MIWP-6: registers & registries
Sub-group kick-off in December 2014 Collaboration space Study “Proposal for an INSPIRE Register Federation Architecture” to kick-start MIWP-6 Use cases Architecture Register information model (ISO 19135, Linked Data Platform) Register Connections Register of Registers INSPIRE Register Federation Topology API & vocabulary for data exchange Test-bed set-up

3 Agreed workplan

4 Work to date Discussion of implementation issues around the INSPIRE registry (and Re3gistry software) Need for building a community of INSPIRE registry users Structure (ToC) for TG document Use cases Search for existing register item Creating a new register item Extend an existing register (item) Automated propagation/dissemination of registry content updates

5 Work to date Testbed set-up Planned testbed partners:
What metadata to store about registers and extensions? Where to store/maintain them? In the register of registers In each registry Both? ( harvesting?) Planned testbed partners: JRC EEA Slovakia UK DE

6 Metadata for the Register Federation
Registry Basic metadata – description, registry owner/manager, … API – which operations are supported & entry points  cf. GetCapabilities Registers Basic metadata – description, register owner/manager, control body, … Extension information (extends, but also extendedBy?) E.g. additional items in national feature concept dictionary Register items E.g. additional code value items in a code list in the national code list register

7 Federation Register ... Registry C Registry B Federation Register
Register XYZ Metadata («capabilities») Registry A extends General metadata Contents Functionalities Register ABC API Register DEF

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