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ACT Introduction ACT Prep Course.

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1 ACT Introduction ACT Prep Course

2 Why do you take the act?? College Acceptance Affordable College

3 College acceptance How important is the ACT? (Page 2)
Are you ready for college? Academic Foundation ACT Test Score English 18 Math 22 Reading 21 Science 24 Composite

4 Affordable college Scholarships College Qualifications
Scholarship Amount UMKC 23 or higher $10,000 (4 year value) UMSL 24 & top 25% $8,000 (4 year value) MoState 26 & top 20% SCC Tuition Waiver (In-District) Mizzou 27 & top 50% $4,000 - $8,000 (4 year value) depends on rank Bright Flight 30/31 or higher $12,000 (4 year value)

5 Basic Alg  Beg Alg  Intermediate Alg  College Algebra
Affordable college Eliminate Courses Basic Alg  Beg Alg  Intermediate Alg  College Algebra College College Algebra Exempt or Higher MoState 23 28 (Calculus) SCC Placement Test Mizzou 28 (Exempt) Lindenwood 25 30 (Calculus)

6 What’s on the ACT? (Page 3)
Subject Number of Questions Time Allotted Score Range English Math Reading Science Writing (Optional) Not a focus for this course 75 45 minutes 60 60 minutes Break 0 - 36 Sub-Scores 40 35 minutes 40 35 minutes Plays no role in composite score.

7 How is the composite scored? (Page 3)
𝐸𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ+𝑀𝑎𝑡ℎ+𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔+𝑆𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 4 =𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 Composite is simply the average of all your sub-scores. All sub-scores are weighted the same. The composite is impacted by ONE low sub-score more than you think! =22.5 =25 Increasing ONE sub-score, increased the composite by 2.5 points!

8 Personal Order of Difficulty (POOD) Now, Later, Never
Four Basic Strategies Personal Order of Difficulty (POOD) Now, Later, Never Process of Elimination (POE) Pacing

9 Personal Order of Difficulty (POOD) (Page 4)
Most beneficial in Reading & Science. Always do the easiest passages first. “Easy” is the passage you enjoy most or perform the best on in practice. You are in more control of this test than you think!

10 Main strategy used in math!
Now, Later, Never (Page 5) Now…questions that are quick, easy and obvious questions. Later…questions you can do, but take more time and brain power Never…questions you don’t know how to do, letter of the day (LOTD) Main strategy used in math!

11 Process of Elimination (POE) (Page 5)
Cross of silly or impossible answers. Cross of wrong answers using basic understanding of the content. Cross of distraction answers. Always remember…the answer is in front of you!

12 Pace Yourself: Work Smarter, Not Harder (Page 4)
Three Types of Questions: Easy, Medium, Hard Difficulty level is determined by placement in curriculum and past student performance on the topic. All questions are worth the same! You do not lose points for wrong answers on the ACT DO NOT leave answers blank! Use letter of the day (LOTD) Now, Later, Never…don’t let tough questions slow you down.

13 Done! Quiz over ACT Intro notes will be Monday 8/28!

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