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Creating the prototype

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1 Creating the prototype

2 This lesson I will give you time to gather information ad create your prototype

3 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Create hyperlinked slides (full navigation) Select appropriate text and images for your app

4 Remember This app has to be unique so this is a really good opportunity to create and manipulate some graphics of your own using appropriate software (Fireworks or Photoshop) Think about house style (fonts, colours, images and the general look and feel you want to put across)

5 Your app must include a home section featuring a basic map of the school a section featuring a short video a section featuring a downloadable prospectus a section featuring an audio interview with a student. Each section must be accessible from any other section.

6 Video “a section featuring a short video”
Having already completed your teaser videos im not going to go through it again however I would like you all to film a brief introduction to your app to go on one of the pages. It doesn’t have to be long, it just needs to be imported into software like moviemaker, exported as an MP4 then Embedded into one of the app slides

7 To summarise that last part…
Take a video (can for this lesson be done on your phone or school camera Open it up (save it) into Movie maker Add some effects Export it as an MP4 Insert the MP4 into one of your slides

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