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Read pages 260, 261, and 262 to “Nationalism Grows”

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1 Read pages 260, 261, and 262 to “Nationalism Grows”
Concert of Europe was … Conservatives in Europe - Wanted to restore … Believed that talk of “natural rights and “constitutional government could only lead to … Liberals in Europe - Were often members of the … Wanted government based upon … They opposed the idea of … Called for rulers to be … Favored a _____________ over a monarchy. Supported the rights of …

2 M.A.I.N. -
* Militarism * Alliances * Imperialism * Nationalism Militarism - Build-up military strength leads to rivalries … Alliance System - Two major alliances dominated Europe … Imperialism - Competition for colonies Nationalism - Devotion to the nation, devotion to one’s common ethnic group

3 Read pages 260, 261, and 262 to “Nationalism Grows”
Concert of Europe was … Conservatives in Europe - Wanted to restore … Believed that talk of “natural rights and “constitutional government could only lead to … Liberals in Europe - Were often members of the … Wanted government based upon … They opposed the idea of … Called for rulers to be … Favored a _____________ over a monarchy. Supported the rights of …

4 Effect of Nationalism – groups of people, “nationalities” desiring “self-determination” or the idea that people who share a national identity should have their own country and government.

5 Nationalism “The first, original, and truly natural boundaries of states are beyond doubt their internal boundaries. Those who speak the same language are joined to each other by a multitude of invisible bonds by nature herself, long before any human art begins; they understand each other and have the power of continuing to make themselves understood more and more clearly; they belong together and are by nature one and an inseparable whole.” - Johann Gottlieb Fichte



8 The Balkans Present-day Slavic people are classified Into West Slavic
(chiefly Poles, Czechs and Slovaks), East Slavic (chiefly Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians), and And South Slavic (chiefly Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, and Slovenes).

9 - Crisis in the Balkans Situation in Europe, 1900

10 - The “Sick Man of Europe” - Ottoman Empire
Situation in Europe, 1900

11 The Ottoman Empire - Europe before 1900
- The “Sick Man of Europe” - Lost a series of wars, throughout 1800’s & early 1900’s Creates a power vacuum, encouraging nationalities to gain independence

12 Nationalist Movements
Effect of Nationalism – groups of people, “nationalities” desiring “self-determination” or the idea that people who share a national identity should have their own country and government Nationalist Movements , Serbian Revolution , Greek War of Independence 1848, Nationalist revolts in Hungary, Italy, and Germany , Italy becomes unified , Germany becomes unified 1878, Congress of Berlin declares Serbia independent , Macedonian struggles for independence 1908, Bulgaria becomes independent 1912, Albania becomes independent

13 The Immediate Event that Led to War …
* Could this have been prevented? Gavrilo Princip June 28, 1914 – assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

14 Competition in the Balkans Peninsula for “Influence”

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