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Presentation on theme: "Affable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affable

2 Pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to

3 aggrandize

4 To increase in greatness, power, or wealth

5 amorphous

6 Shapeless, without definite form

7 aura

8 Atmosphere, a distinctive air or personal quality

9 contraband

10 illegal traffic, smuggled goods

11 erudite

12 Scholarly, learned, bookish

13 gossamer

14 Thin, light, delicate

15 infer

16 To make a logical conclusion

17 inscrutable

18 Incapable of being understood

19 insular

20 Narrow or isolated in outlook or experience

21 irrevocable

22 Incapable of being changed or called back

23 propensity

24 A natural inclination (become a “pro”)

25 querulous

26 Complaining, whining

27 remonstrate

28 To argue or plead with someone against something

29 repudiate

30 To disown or reject

31 resilient

32 Able to return to its original shape; recover quickly

33 reverberate

34 Echo; to be reflected repeatedly (over time)

35 scurrilous

36 Coarsely abusive, vulgar or low, foul-mouthed

37 sedulous

38 Showing industry and determination

39 sleazy

40 Cheap, inferior in quality; ethically low or disreputable

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