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The Fall of the Soviet Union

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Presentation on theme: "The Fall of the Soviet Union"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fall of the Soviet Union
The End of the Cold War

2 OA Tell me what you know about Afghanistan:

3 Where is Afghanistan?

4 The Soviet Union’s “Vietnam War”
Soviet Afghan War The Soviet Union’s “Vietnam War”

5 Who is this man?

6 Afghan Civil War Mujahadeen fighters turned on each others in an attempt to control the country

7 Taliban Group that took control of Afghanistan
Mullah Omar The founder of the Taliban Group that took control of Afghanistan Imposed strict Islamic laws Harbored terrorists

8 Al-Qaeda – Islamic Terrorist group responsible for attack on 9/11/2001
War on Terror Al-Qaeda – Islamic Terrorist group responsible for attack on 9/11/2001

9 Mikhail Gorbachev The last leader of the Soviet Union. Introduced new ideas for reform and change: 1. Democratization – process in open elections 2. Perestroika – capitalism 3. Glasnost – openness – free speech 4. Promised not to interfere in Eastern Europe

10 Revolt Poland Solidarity Movement Lech Walesa

11 Revolt Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovakia – “Velvet Revolution” – Vaclav Havel

12 Revolt Romania violent overthrow of Ceausescu and then free elections.

13 Revolt East Germany Opens the “Wall” by tearing it down
The Fall of the Berlin Wall

14 The Fall of Soviet Union
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe Gorbachev house arrest Boris Yeltsin is elected President – “Confederation of Independent States” 1991

15 Before and After

16 Existing competition and distrust between the U.S. and Russia

17 Consequences of the Cold War
United States becomes the sole Super Power of the world – the most powerful nation Economically Militarily Politically (Influence in the world) What happened in Europe (after WWii)? What happened in Korea? What happened in Vietnam? What happened in Afghanistan?

18 OA What happened in Europe? What happened in Korea?
What happened in Vietnam? What happened in Afghanistan? ? Negative US Negative USSR

19 Oppressive Governments
Consequences Oppressive Governments Divisions Civil Wars Dictators

20 Ukrainian Crisis November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovych suspended preparations for the implementation of an association agreement with the European Union. Country became divided between Pro Russians and Pro West supporters. Yanukovych was ousted by the protesters. Russia intervened and took control of the region known as the Crimea. Annexation of Crimea

21 Ukrainian Crisis

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