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Shinto Japan’s Ancient Religion.

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Presentation on theme: "Shinto Japan’s Ancient Religion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shinto Japan’s Ancient Religion

2 Shintoism is a Polytheistic belief that expresses love and respect for nature.

3 Comparison to the “West”
Paganism in Europe Many tribal beliefs in Africa Practices of native cultures in North and South America

4 Shintoism celebrates life and the beauty of nature
Shintoist worship kami

5 KAMI •Kami is a general term for Shinto deities and spirits.
Some kami are compared to the “gods” of the west, but are different in many ways, too. Kami can also be forces of nature, important people, or even natural objects.

6 •A special rock, a large tree, or a waterfall, can be considered Kami.
The emperor of Japan was considered a Kami.

7 Shinto •Unlike most other religions of the world, Shintoism has NO:
Identifiable founder Body of religious laws. Written scriptures or Holy Text A very loosely organized priesthood

8 The Four Affirmations of Shinto
Tradition and the family: The family is seen as the main force for traditions to be preserved. Main celebrations relate to birth and marriage.

9 The Four Affirmations of Shinto
Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the Gods. Natural objects are worshipped as sacred spirits

10 The Four Affirmations of Shinto
Physical cleanliness: Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouth often. Shinto stresses purifying that which is unclean, such as dirt, wounds, and disease. Touching the dead is considered unclean.

11 The Four Affirmations of Shinto
Matsuri: The worship given to the kami and the ancestral spirits.

12 Shintoists build shrines dedicated to specific kami.
The kami respond to sincere prayers of the faithful. Shrine ceremonies include cleansing, offerings, prayers, and dances.

13 According to ________ teachings every thing in nature has spirits.
These sprits called ________ are believed to keep people safe and help them live. They build shrines called gates and perform cermoines to ask for ____________. Shinto kami blessings

14 When entering a shrine, one passes through a Torii
Torii Gate When entering a shrine, one passes through a Torii The Torii marks the separation between the finite world and the infinite world of the Gods.

15 Torii Gate

16 A Tunnel of Torii Gates Inari Mt., Kyoto

17 Torii Gong

18 Shinto Temple – “Worship Hall”

19 Quick Answer: Yes But in an altered form, current Japanese religion is a combination of Shintoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

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