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Early Civilizations in India

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1 Early Civilizations in India
2500 BC – 256 BC

2 Geography of Indian Subcontinent
Subcontinent- large landmass that juts out from a continent 3 of world’s 10 most populous countries- India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

3 Northern Plain Fertile region due to Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra Rivers Carry melting snow from mountains to the plains making agriculture possible Rivers are sacred to Indian people Mountains caused Indian people and culture to remain isolated Himalaya Mountains


5 Deccan Triangular plateau- raised level of land
Most of area is arid, unproductive, and sparsely populated

6 Coastal Plains Small rivers and seasonal rains provide area with water for farming Eastern and Western Ghats

7 Monsoon- seasonal wind
October, winter monsoons blow from NE and bring hot, dry air that wither crops June, wet summer monsoons blow from SW -pick up moisture from Indian Ocean and drench land with daily downpours If rains are late, famine may occur but if rains are early deadly floods occur

8 Indus Valley Civilization
Emerged in Indus River valley about 2500 BC. Flourished about 1000 years and vanished Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (moh HEHN joh Dah roh) twin capitals possibly Along Indus River, 3 miles in circumference, huge warehouses for grain, and a fortress Laid out in grid pattern, houses built of oven-fired clay brick, modern plumbing, baths, drains, water chutes, sewers beneath streets. Uniform weights and measures

9 Harappa


11 Government Well organized, powerful leaders, possibly priest-kings, made sure all had steady supply of food Buildings suggest government planners Had to have mathematical skills to put together


13 Farming and Trade Most Indus Valley people were farmers
First to cultivate cotton and weave into cloth Area close to Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf so easily reach Sumer. Contact caused system of writing to be born Cuneiform shows no relationship to Sumer Traded cotton, grain, copper, pearls, and ivory

14 Religion Polytheistic Mother goddess, source of creation
Sacred bulls that later influenced veneration, or special regard for, cattle

15 Disappearance Indus Valley cities were declining. Standards not as good, pottery turned crude Too many trees cut down, volcanic eruption blocked Indus which flooded city, devastating earthquake?!?!?! 1500 BC Aryans migrated here and overran the Indus region as well

16 Kingdoms of the Ganges Aryan Civilization Somewhat nomadic
Only know what Vadas tells us, collection of prayers and hymns. 1500BC-500BC Vedic Age Warriors who fought in chariots, loved eating, drinking, and music

17 Expansion and Change Aryan tribes led by rajahs- chief, most skilled warrior, elected by people Eventually tribes settled down and learned farming and spread out around Ganges River, 800 BC 500 BC new Indian civilization emerged consisting of many rival kingdoms due to acculturation- blending of two or more cultures

18 Aryan Groups Divided people by occupation
Brahmins- priests Kshatriyas (kuh shat ree yuhz)- warriors Vaisyas (vis yuhz)- herders, farmers, artisans, merchants Sudras- Dravidians (people they conquered) and non-Aryans) farm workers, servants; lowest level of society (dalits- considered outside the caste system) Eventually gave rise to caste system, social group born in to and can’t change

19 Aryan Religion Polytheistic- gods embodied natural forces
Brahmins could call on gods for health, wealth, and victory in war Move towards worshiping brahman- single spiritual power beyond the gods Also move towards mystics- people who devote life to seeking spiritual truth

20 Literature Sanskrit- written language that priests used to write down sacred texts Mahabharata- India’s greatest epic, 100,000 verses. Aryan tribes fighting for Ganges. 5 royal brothers, Pandavas, lose area to cousins but take back after huge battle. Discusses Indian religious beliefs, immortality of the soul, and importance of duty

21 Ramayana- Rama’s bride Sita is kidnapped by demon-king Ravana and story it all about Rama getting his bride back Stories evolved over time and different morals come from them like role models and loyalty

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