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6th SPIRE Brokerage Event Frankfurt, 14 June 2018 TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL Name Email address.

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Presentation on theme: "6th SPIRE Brokerage Event Frankfurt, 14 June 2018 TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL Name Email address."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th SPIRE Brokerage Event Frankfurt, 14 June 2018 TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL
Name address

2 Organisation / Company profile
Please use 1 slide to introduce your organization or company

3 Project idea Raw Materials Please use 1-2 slides to summarize the main concept of your project idea Link it to the relevant key component/key action as reflected in the SPIRE roadmap Indicate the Horizon2020 call topic that your project idea is addressing Discrete Manufacturing: Components & Products

4 Expected impact Please use 2 slides to highlight the main expected impact of the project proposal: In relation to the call topic you will address In relation to the SPIRE roadmap Indicate the cross-sectorial characteristics of the idea

5 Existing project consortium
Please use 1 slide to indicate the existing project consortium as well as the main role of partners

6 Looking for partners Please use 1 slide to indicate a profile of partners you are looking for and their envisioned role. If you are looking for SMEs, please indicate specific technological areas

7 Contact details Save your presentation in this format:
Organization_Title_Name_Call topic


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