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Communication Day One.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Day One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Day One

2 Pre Assessment I want to know what you know!
Please take your time and try to answer all questions.

3 What happens during a conversation between two people?

4 Roles in Communication
Coding: Forming thoughts and feelings into words. Decoding: Interpreting the words of another. Sender: The person speaking Receiver: The person listening

5 Breakdown of communication
55% is non-verbal Body language and facial expressions 38% is tone of voice Does your tone match what you are saying? Is it showing hidden emotions? 7% is the words we use Are you using effective communication?

6 Think, Write, Share! Think:
How has the breakdown of communication impacted your own relationships? Are there certain situations you struggle to effectively communicate in? Different ages? Workplace? Home? Are there types of communication that you struggle with: face to face, phone calls, s, texts. Etc? Write: Your answers! Share: In your table groups.

7 Today we... Learned about the different roles in communication Sender
Receiver Encoding Decoding Learned the makeup of communication Body language Tone Words Reflected on our own communication ***Tomorrow*** Make sure you have your notes page!

8 Communication Continued
Day Two

9 Today’s Objectives… Students will be able to act out common types of communication responses in scripted skits. Students will be able to identify communication styles performed in skits by practicing effective listening. Students will be able to identify communication styles and components of communication in video clips by practicing effective listening.



12 Types of Responses Assertive Respectfully voice opinions Unassertive
Doesn’t speak up for themselves Aggressive Attack/ ignore others opinions to voice their own

13 What types of responses do you hear?
What types of messages do you hear?

14 How you say it matters … I- Messages “I feel _____ when _________.”
Articulate your feelings Are not aggressive Doesn’t place characteristics on the other person You- Messages “You always ________.” Put blame on the other person Make others feel defensive Attribute negative characteristics


16 Active Listening Make eye contact Focus all attention on speaking
Be attentive Lean forward Nod, show that you are paying attention Repeat back to check for clarity Listen to understand, not to respond

17 During the skits... Pay attention to the words being said
What is being said? How is it being said? Tone of voice? Notice the body language of each person Open or closed? Assertive or unassertive? What is their body language “saying”

18 Let’s Wrap it Up Today we covered: Body language
I-messages and you-messages Active listening Types of responses Homework… Be mindful of your conversations for the rest of today and tomorrow before class Use I-messages and see what happens Be ready to share in class tomorrow!

19 Communication Continued
Day Three

20 Welcome! Talk to your group members about an I-message you used since yesterday.

21 Summarize them into one sentence
Learning Objectives… Summarize them into one sentence Students will be able to work in teams to complete tasks with limited communication. Students will be able to give and receive instructions to/from peers to complete a task. Students will be able to recall information about communication from the previous lessons. Students will be able to follow written and verbal instructions to perform tasks.

22 A B C D

23 Activity time!!! In your groups assign roles: 1 “listener” 1 “speaker” Everyone else will be “motioners”

24 Each role has certain jobs and restrictions
Listeners Your job is to follow the verbal directions from the speaker. You cannot speak Your eyes must be closed Speaker Your job is to interpret the gestures from the motioners and give verbal directions to the listener. You cannot look at the “listener” You cannot look at the written directions Motioners Your job is to read the written directions and motion them to the speaker You cannot speak You cannot show the written directions to anyone

25 Communication Continued
Day Four

26 What is good communication?
Active Listening I-messages Assertive responses Confident, unaggressive body language Tone and facial expressions that match what you’re saying Codifying and decoding Checking for understanding Listening to understand, not to respond What is good communication?

27 Today’s Learning Targets…
Students will be able to list the components of effective communication. Students will be able to explain ways of bridging communication gaps in the workplace. Students will be able to create a visually pleasing and informational flyer.

28 Communication in the Workplace

29 Effective Communication
Positive body language Be clear and concise Appropriate tone and facial expressions Practice active listening Check for understanding

30 Generational Differences:
Do you communicate differently than your parents? Grandparents?

31 Five Generations In The Workplace
Veterans (born before 1946) Baby Boomers ( ) Generation X ( ) Millennials ( ) Your Generation (2001-present)


33 Your Task… Read the Forbes article given to you
Highlight important information Using what you have learned from this PowerPoint, videos, and the article pretend you are giving a workplace tips on how to improve communication Create a visually pleasing flyer with at least 10 tips on how to effectively communicate and/or how to bridge the communication gap between generations in the workplace You can use any media you want Paper Google Docs Online flyer maker Cite your sources for any photos you use

34 Components of good/ effective communication
Generational differences in communication Bridging the gap in communication

35 Things To Do Make sure your entry/ exit slip is 100% complete and hand it to me. Put Chromebooks away and clean-up your area. Tonight: Study! Study! Study! For your quiz tomorrow!

36 Communication Continued
Day Five

37 Your Task… Read the Forbes article given to you
Highlight important information Using what you have learned from this PowerPoint, videos, and the article pretend you are giving a workplace tips on how to improve communication Create a visually pleasing (color and photos) flyer with at least 10 tips on how to effectively communicate and/or how to bridge the communication gap between generations in the workplace You can use any media you want Paper Google Docs Online flyer maker Cite your sources for any photos you use

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