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How to find stars in the sky?

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Presentation on theme: "How to find stars in the sky?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to find stars in the sky?

2 Historia astronomii. (Krzysiu)

3 Polaris (Northern Star)
Constellations Bears Polaris (Northern Star) The Little Bear The Great Bear

4 Constellations How to find Polaris?

5 Dragon / Draco Northern Crown Hercules Bootes
Constellations Dragon / Draco Northern Crown Acturus Pearl Hercules Bootes

6 Constellations How to find Arcturus Arcturus

7 Constellations Vega Arcturus

8 Summer Triangle Lyra Swan Eagle Gwiazdozbiory Constellations
Vega Lyra Swan Deneb Eagle Altair

9 Constellations Pleiades Bull


11 Constellations Castor Pollux Gemini / Twins

12 Constellations M44 -> Beehive Cancer

13 Constellations Regulus Lion

14 Constellations Antares Scorpion

15 Interesting objects Multiple stars Mizar & Alkor Mizar Alkor

16 Interesting objects Multiple Stars Epsilons of Lyra

17 Obiects from Meisser's catalogue
Pegaz Andromeda


19 Obiects from Meisser's catalogue
Interesting objects Obiects from Meisser's catalogue M 13


21 Thanks for attention

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