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Patea Freezing Works Asbestos Overview of Quantities and Locations February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Patea Freezing Works Asbestos Overview of Quantities and Locations February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patea Freezing Works Asbestos Overview of Quantities and Locations February 2009

2 1. Asbestos-containing fragmented debris present from base of all buildings out to approximately 20 metres. This material is found on bitumen roadways and grassed areas.

3 2. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated pumice identified throughout the former freezer and cooling section of the site. Approximately 10,000 square metres

4 3. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated pumice identified throughout the former freezer and cooling section of the site.

5 4. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated pumice identified throughout the former freezer and cooling section of the site.

6 5. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated pumice identified throughout the former freezer and cooling section of the site.

7 6. Asbestos-containing roof debris identified in the ground level of the Freezing section of the site. Hot spots beneath ceiling penetrations.

8 7. Asbestos-containing roof debris identified in the upper level of the Freezing section of the site. Approximately 2,100 square metres

9 8. Asbestos-containing roof debris identified in the upper level of the Freezing section of the site.

10 9. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall sheet debris identified in and around the Power House. Approximately 1,200 square metres

11 10. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall sheet debris identified in and around the Power House.

12 11. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall sheet debris found in and around the Power House.

13 12. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and walls identified in the Boiler House. Approximately 1,000 square metres

14 13. Friable asbestos pipework insulation and debris identified in the Boiler House. Approximately 20 linear metres

15 14. Friable asbestos pipework insulation and rope gaskets identified in the Boiler House.

16 15. Friable asbestos insulation and debris identified in the Boiler House. Eight Dome Ends. Allowance to be made for the cleaning of all surfaces in this area.

17 16. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall sheeting identified in the external stairs on the south side of the site. Approximately 250 square metres

18 17. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous roofing, debris and stored sheeting identified in the Casings floor area at the south side of the site. Approximately 2,100 square metres

19 17a. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall and ceiling lining and debris identified in the Pelts area at the south side of the site. Approximately 200 square metres

20 18. Asbestos-containing corrugated roofing identified in the Wool Section and Manure Works at the south east corner of the site. Approximately 2,500 square metres

21 18a. Asbestos-containing corrugated roofing identified in the Wool Section and Manure Works at the south east corner of the site.

22 18b. Asbestos-containing corrugated roofing identified in the Wool Section and Manure Works at the south east corner of the site.

23 19. Friable asbestos-containing rope wrap and insulation debris identified in the Fellmongery section in the eastern area of the site. Hot Spots.

24 19a. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof identified in the Paint Mix and Fellmongery section in the eastern area of the site. Approximately 500 square metres

25 20. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and debris identified in the Paint Mix and Fellmongery section in the eastern area of the site.

26 21. Asbestos-containing fibrous cement sheet walls, eave lining and roof identified in the Paint Mix and Fellmongery section in the eastern area of the site. Approximately 800 square metres

27 22. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and debris identified in the Paint Mix and Fellmongery section in the eastern area of the site.

28 23. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified internal and external ground floor in the Mutton Slaughter. Approximately 500 square metres

29 24. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified internal and external of the ground floor in Mutton Slaughter section.

30 25. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified internal and external of the ground floor in the Mutton Slaughter section.

31 26. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified internal and external of the ground floor in the Mutton Slaughter section.

32 27. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining and roofing identified in the upper level of the Beef Slaughter section.

33 28. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof debris identified in the upper level of Mutton Slaughter section of the site.

34 29. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated ash identified throughout the upper level of the former Mutton Slaughter.

35 30. Asbestos-containing roof debris and asbestos-contaminated ash identified throughout the upper level of the former Mutton Slaughter.

36 31. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and debris identified throughout the upper level of Mutton and Beef Slaughter area of the site.

37 32. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and debris identified throughout the upper level of Mutton and Beef Slaughter area of the site.

38 33. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof and debris identified in the Mutton and Beef Slaughter area of the site.

39 34. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified in the accessible areas of the Ground Floor adjacent to the Freezing and Cold Store Approximately 400 square metres

40 35. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified in the accessible areas of the Ground Floor adjacent to the Freezing and Cold Store

41 36. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified in the accessible areas of the Ground Floor adjacent to the Freezing and Cold Store

42 37. Asbestos-containing fibrous wall lining identified in the accessible areas of the Ground Floor adjacent to the Freezing and Cold Store

43 38. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous walls and roof identified in the Warehouse Approximately 1,000 square metres

44 39. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous walls and roof identified in the Warehouse

45 40. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous roofing and flat fibrous sheet walls, eaves and gable ends identified in the Former Butcher Shop Approximately 170 square metres

46 41. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous roofing and flat fibrous sheet walls, eaves and gable ends identified in the Former Butcher Shop

47 42. Asbestos-containing fibrous internal walls, ceilings, eaves and porch ceiling identified in the Stockman's Quarters Approximately 180 square metres

48 43. Asbestos-containing fibrous internal walls, ceilings, eaves and porch ceiling identified in the Stockman's Quarters

49 44. Asbestos-containing fibrous internal walls, ceilings, eaves and porch ceiling identified in the Stockman's Quarters

50 45. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous roofing, asbestos- containing walls, ceiling and eave lining indentified in the Pump House. Approximately 200 square metres

51 46. Asbestos-containing corrugated fibrous roofing, asbestos- containing walls, ceiling and eave lining indentified in the Pump House.

52 47. Asbestos-containing corrugated roof debris identified at the south east corner of the site. Approximately 25 square metres

53 48. Potential for asbestos-containing materials to be present in fill areas of the site. These areas can be found at the southern end of the site.

54 49. Unstable building structures are indentified throughout the site.

55 50. Unstable building structures are indentified throughout the site.

56 51. Unstable building structures are indentified throughout the site.

57 52. Unstable building structures are indentified throughout the site.

58 Non-Friable Asbestos (asbestos cement sheeting, walls, roofs, eaves and ceilings. Much is severely damaged and will be handled as if it is friable) LocationArea (square metres) Freezer and Cooling Sections10,000 Upper level Freezer Section 2,100 Power House 1,200 Boiler House 1,000 External stairs, south side of site 250 Casings Floor 2,100 Pelts 200 Wool and Manure Works 2,500 Paint Mix and Fellmongery 1,300 Mutton Slaughter, Lower 500 Mutton Slaughter, Beef Slaughter, Cooling Floor-Upper Levels 3,000 (combined) Freezing and Cold Store, Ground Level 400

59 Non-Friable Asbestos (asbestos cement sheeting, walls, roofs, eaves and ceilings. Much is severely damaged and will be handled as if it is friable) Cont. LocationArea (square metres) Warehouse 1,000 Butcher Shop 170 Stockmans Quarters 180 Pump House 200 South East corner of the site, stockpiled sheeting and 25 debris TOTAL 26,125 m² (Provided in good faith as an estimate only. Quantities are not contractually binding to the Principal or Consultant)

60 Friable Asbestos (asbestos lagging/insulation, asbestos rope. Note some of the fire damaged sheeting will be handled as if it is friable). Location Quantity Boiler House, asbestos lagging to end sections of calorifiers 8 off (Pressure vessels) Boiler House, asbestos pipe lagging (some debris) 20 Linear metres Fellmongery and Paint Mix, asbestos rope and insulation minor quantities only sighted


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