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March 8, Week # 9 NB-101 Learning Target: I will Homework: Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "March 8, Week # 9 NB-101 Learning Target: I will Homework: Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 8, Week # 9 NB-101 Learning Target: I will Homework: Agenda:
Identify 4 types of evidence for evolution Explain how Charles Darwin reached his theory of Natural Selection. Homework: Read 11.2 (pages ) Complete all questions on page 226 Finish the test corrections Agenda: Class roles Test corrections Evolution questions, evidence and review Evolution Reading and Questions Essential Question: How did Darwin reach his theory of natural selection?

2 Class Roles: You need to choose a role if you want an A or B in citizenship
No training, during class Training AND after school Paper passers Equipment/supply passers Room caretakers Tutors Photographers Website helper Word wall/decorator

3 Text or Notebook Page #:____
The underlined answer is wrong because _____ ___________________ The correct answer is __ because ____________ If a pea plant contains a recessive allele for wrinkled seeds and a dominant allele for smooth seeds, the organism’s phenotype must be: a. not really smooth or wrinkled seeds, a mixture of both traits. b. wrinkled seeds. c. half of the seeds are smooth and half are wrinkled. d. smooth seeds.

4 Text or Notebook Page #:174-5
The underlined answer is wrong because the wrinkled phenotype is not dominant and all of the seeds will be the same. The correct answer is d because the smooth phenotype is the dominant phenotype and will show. If a pea plant contains a recessive allele for wrinkled seeds and a dominant allele for smooth seeds, the organism’s phenotype must be: a. not really smooth or wrinkled seeds, a mixture of both traits. b. wrinkled seeds. c. half of the seeds are smooth and half are wrinkled. d. smooth seeds.

5 Evolution Questions Answer the evolution questions on the back of the test corrections

6 How old is the universe? Our class average= Correct answer=
~15 billion years old

7 How old is the Earth? Our class average= Correct answer=
4.5 billion years old

8 How long has there been life on the Earth?
Our class average= Correct answer= ~3.5-4 billion years

9 How old is the human species?
Our class average= Correct answer= ~100, ,000 years old

10 Evolutionary theory teaches that humans evolved from monkeys
Evolutionary theory teaches that humans evolved from monkeys. True or false? Our class average= Correct answer= False

11 Scientists believe that whales evolved from land animals. True or false?
Our class average= Correct answer= True

12 Pope John Paul does not approve of the theory of evolution
Pope John Paul does not approve of the theory of evolution. True or false? Our class average= Correct answer= False

13 Major Protestant churches have no problem with the theory of evolution
Major Protestant churches have no problem with the theory of evolution. True or false? Our class average= Correct answer= True

14 Take out NB- 102 Evidence of Evolution

15 The Four Lines of Evidence for Evolution are:
Fossil Record (this is similarity to and between ancient organisms) Embryology (this is similarity in early development) Homologous Structures (this is similarity in body structure) DNA (this is similarity in chemical compounds)

16 #1: Fossil Record

17 #1: Fossils Water carries small rock particles to lakes and seas.
Dead organisms are buried by layers of sediment, which forms new rock. The preserved remains may later be discovered and studied.

18 #1: Fossils A fossil is a remnant or trace of an organism from the past. Fossils form in sedimentary rock layers. The older layers on are on the bottom and the younger layers are on the top. The fossil record provides a historical sequence of life on Earth. There are gaps in the fossil record because most organisms do not fossilize.

19 #1: Fossil

20 #1: Fossil of Ancient Hyena-Dog vs. Modern Dog

21 #1: Fossils of Ancient Horses

22 #1: Similar Fossils in Different Locations

23 #2: Similarities in Early Development

24 #2: Similarities in Early Development
Embryos of many org. look similar!

25 #2: Similarities in Early Development
Means that embryos of vertebrates share similar genes! But why do these organisms look different now? This is where evolution comes in Small mutations  little by little, organisms look different  Evolution takes a LONG time!!!

26 #3: Similarities in Body Structure

27 #3: Homologous Structures
Limbs based on similar bone patterns! Turtle Alligator Bird Mammals Typical primitive fish

28 #3: Similarities in Body Structure
When embryos are developing, cells that eventually develop into limbs are similar in some org. But as embryos mature, the limbs grow into arms, legs, wings, and fins.

29 #3: Homologous Structures
Homologous structures = develop from the same body part, but that meet different needs Means that embryos of vertebrates share similar genes! But why do these organisms look different now? This is where evolution comes in Each limb was adapted differently for different organisms

30 #3: Homologous vs. Analogous
Function Different Same Structure Evolutionary origin

31 #3: Homologous vs. Analogous
Remember “intro to evolution” activity…with bat wings that looked like human fingers…instead of butterfly wings? Homologous ? ? Analogous

32 #3: Vestigial Structures (= traces of an organ or structure)

33 Traces of Snake “Legs”


35 #4: Similarities in Chemical Compounds

36 #4: Similarities in Chemical Compounds
All organisms (from bacteria to humans) share many of the same chemical compounds All organisms have DNA to hold genetic info Molecular biology analyses match fossils => MORE evidence to support evolution

37 #4: Similarities in Chemical Compounds
All org. have DNA!!!

38 #5: Geographic Distribution of Living Species

39 Geographic Distribution of Living Species
Beaver Appearance is very similar! Beaver Muskrat Beaver and Muskrat Coypu Capybara Coypu and Capybara NORTH AMERICA Muskrat Capybara SOUTH AMERICA Coypu

40 The Four Lines of Evidence for Evolution are:
Fossil Record (this is similarity to and between ancient organisms) Embryology (this is similarity in early development) Homologous Structures (this is similarity in body structure) DNA (this is similarity in chemical compounds)

41 What this all tells us… All this tells us organisms evolved from a common ancestor. Matches Darwin’s conclusion!!! Living organisms evolved through gradual changes of earlier forms => DESCENT FROM A COMMON ANCESTOR!!!

42 Now match the words to the pictures that describe them
Word Sort Find the words: Cladogram Ancestor Evolution Adaptation OR Homologous/analogous Fossil Fossil record Embryo Now match the words to the pictures that describe them

43 Adaptation: an inherited trait helps an organism survive

44 Evolution: the process of how organisms gain adaptations over time

45 Ancestor: an organism from which others descended

46 Cladogram: displays evolutionary relationships among living species and their ancestors

47 Homologous and Analogous Structures:

48 Homologous and Analogous Structures:

49 Fossil

50 Fossil Record

51 Embryo

52 Homework Read 11.2 (pages 222-225)
Complete all questions on page 226 by writing the question and answering in a complete sentence. Finish the test corrections

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