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Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace

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Presentation on theme: "Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace"— Presentation transcript:

1 Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace
The perspective of HR

2 Disclaimer

3 Disclaimer

4 Disclaimer Experience in large organisation Exposure to small business
Professional experience Personal experience

5 What will I cover? The environment The processes and systems
The individual Everybody else


7 Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace
The Environment

8 The Environment

9 The Environment

10 The Environment Noticeboards Brochures Agenda item Policies Procedures
Messages to your workforce Noticeboards Brochures Agenda item Policies Procedures

11 Do you KNOW what you would do?

12 Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace
The Processes & Systems

13 The processes & systems
Support Employee assistance program Incident response protocols Leave policies Meet with staff ‘Work within your scope’ Know the appropriate referral pathways


15 The processes & systems
Referral Pathways General practitioner Other health professionals Emergency department Crisis support services Police Legal services



18 The processes & systems
You can only manage what you can see or have been told!

19 The processes & systems
Management Action Performance Management Consider the impact on others Define timeframes

20 Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace
The Individual

21 The Individual Disclosure is a personal choice Break from work
Supported to attend work Appropriate follow-up

22 The Individual The plan must be appropriate for the individual….. and also the Workplace.

23 Responding to Personal Crises in the workplace
Everybody else

24 Everybody else Self care The direct team Other colleagues
Family members

25 Questions

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