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LAST WEEK: The Canterbury Tales – Prologue Two Choice Assignments were due last week. We completed one EXTRA CREDIT prior to break. Graphic Organizer.

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Presentation on theme: "LAST WEEK: The Canterbury Tales – Prologue Two Choice Assignments were due last week. We completed one EXTRA CREDIT prior to break. Graphic Organizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAST WEEK: The Canterbury Tales – Prologue Two Choice Assignments were due last week. We completed one EXTRA CREDIT prior to break. Graphic Organizer was Due LAST WEEK: 23 Characters – with all information on the graphic organizer. You should have turned in on two weeks ago. LAST WEEK WE COMPLETED/FINISHED TWO choice assignments: (50 points each) BEFORE BREAK: EXTRA CREDIT: FAKEBOOK ASSIGNMENT website for the extra credit that is also available. ALL work should have been submitted to me last week. If you chose NOT to turn in an assignment, you will be penalized one letter grade. Please see me if you need to discuss individually.

2 Monday & Tuesday 11/26 & 11/27 The Canterbury Tales – The Pardoner’s Tale
WARM UP: Quickwrite on pp. 165 What has the power to corrupt? What is a theme? Create a KWL chart on your paper. Complete as our lesson moves along today. Today we will be reading: The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale (pp. 166 – 176). Use the graphic organizer to dissect the story. We will also be discussing your group project for next session – Please make sure you don’t have any questions or concerns. You MUST read your tale prior to class to be prepared for the next session!

3 5 Minute Warm UP with your Group Try and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of notebook paper. You WILL be handing this in today! LIST SEVERAL EXAMPLES OF CORRUPTION: Discuss what factors prompted the corruption? (Meaning: What prompted these people do those bad things?) If time allows: discuss the term: THEME. Do you remember how to explain/define THEME?

4 The Pardoner’s Prologue & Tale A PLOT Summary of the Tale
Three rioters – take an oath to kill ‘Death’ Meet an old man and he leads them to death…. Find gold coins (money – money - money) Two of the men conspire to kill the youngest to get more money (greed/corruption) At the same time, the youngest decides to be sneaky and kill both men to keep all money for himself (planning to use poison in the wine) The youngest is stabbed. The two other men drink the wine. They also die. ALL THREE MEN PERISH. Pardoner addresses those with him on the pilgrimage listening to his story: Tells them they will be pardoned for their sins IF they PAY HIM.

5 DISCUSSION AROUND THEME: Corruption as the ROOT of all evil… MORAL of this story: Sometimes in life, money and greed bring out the worst in people.

6 Some Ideas On How To TEACH Your Tale…
PLAY – act it out SONG/RAP – modernize it and perform it with music in the background PROPS – part of the play MODERN VERSION – tell the whole story in everyday language POSTER of some sort….

7 Assigned Tales: Period 2 & 4
GROUP #1: Eddie, Ayana, Austin, Khary The Wife of Bath’s Tale Kanez, Amanda, Aleah, Alexis GROUP #2: Michael, JT, Kyle, Ayzana The Nun’s Priest’s Tale John, Sabria, Tete, Tee GROUP #3: DaMisha, Emma, Gloria, Anna The Friar’s Tale MaShayla, Ty, Will, Zar GROUP #4: Kylie, Antonio, Alfredo The Physician’s Tale Melody, Argo, Justin, Malak GROUP #5: Jessica, Susan, Brittany, The Knight’s Tale GROUP #6: Mohsin, Kara, Andrew, Devon GROUP #7: Ciera, Vito, Charisma, Jessica

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