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1. OSSEDI Malawi Presenter: Alinafe Jere Accounts Department and

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Presentation on theme: "1. OSSEDI Malawi Presenter: Alinafe Jere Accounts Department and"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. OSSEDI Malawi Presenter: Alinafe Jere Accounts Department and
Mid Term Review REPORT FROM October JUNE 2012 STRENGTHERNING CHILD PROTECTION STRUCTURES PROJECT IN MPONELA, DOWA DISTRICT Presenter: George kuwanje PROJECT OFFICER 2rd August, 2012 RIVERSIDE HOTEL Presenter: Alinafe Jere Accounts Department and 21st November 2011

2 2. Project Report Contents
Objectives 2. Planned activities 3. Progress Made Project Results Project Challenges and lesson learnt 6. Recommendations 7. Conclusion

3 3. Objectives To facilitate formation of formation of Community Child Protection Committees at GVH level To train Matrons, Patrons and Teachers, Area Child Protection Committee members and Community Child Protection Committee members on Child Care, Rights, Protection and Justice Act 2010 from Mponela Zone, T/A and GVH level respectively To facilitate formation of Zone Child Protection Committees at cluster level in schools of Mponela Zone To conduct an awareness campaign meeting on child protection and reduction of climate change

4 4. Objectives (cont’d) To conduct a baseline survey with Area Child Protection Committee to find out forms of child abuses happening at GVH level in T/A Mponela To conduct a joint monitoring meeting with stakeholders on child protection project

5 5. Planned activities Facilitate formation of Community Child Protection Committees at GVH level Conduct a training with Matron, Patrons, Teachers, Area Child Protection Committees, ADC, Child Protection Workers and Community Child Protection Committees on Child Care, Rights, Protection and Justice Act 2010 Facilitate formation of Zone Child Protection Committees in schools of Mponela Zone Conduct an awareness campaign meeting with schools and communities on reduction of climate change and child protection

6 6. Planned activities (cont’d)
To conduct a joint monitoring of activities with Plan Malawi, Dowa District Child Protection Committee, Social Welfare on implemented activities in T/A Mponela

7 Progress Made Facilitated formation of 30 Community Child Protection Committees at GVH level total number elected is 300 members (176 Males and 124 Females) 2914 people attended the meetings (1529 Females, 1385 Males) Conducted 1 training with Matron, Patrons and Teachers 32 (14 females, 18 Males) on Child Care, Rights, Protection and Justice Act 2010 Conducted 1 training with Area Child Protection Committees, ADC and Child Protection Workers 20 participants (12 Males, 8 Females) on Child Care, Rights, Protection and Justice Act 2010 Conducted 1 training with Community Child Protection Committees 32 participants (18 Males, 14 Females) on Child Care, Rights, Protection and Justice Act 2010

8 Progress Made (Cont’d)
Facilitated formation of 4 Zone Child Protection Committees in schools of Mponela Zone Conduct 1 awareness campaign meeting with schools and communities on reduction of climate change and child protection OSSEDI Malawi in collaboration with Area Child Protection Committee at T/A level in Mponela , conduct the assessment of forms of child abuse.

9 7. Project Results/outcomes
Increased knowledge on child rights, care, protection at school and community level Increased reports on cases of child abuse from communities i.e. one child was abused by her aunt by hot steel wire on her waist for long time

10 8. Project Results/outcomes(cont’d)
Improved relationships between community leaders, committees at T/A and GVH level on child protection project Reached 2914 people from the communities with child protection, rights messages in T/A Mponela Reached 768 children with messages of child rights, protection and care

11 9. Project Results/outcomes (cont’d)
Improved skills on dealing with issues of child protection and rights by participants Increased high participation of community members to protect children in traditional authority Mponela.

12 10.Project Results/outcomes
Increased reporting cases of child abuse compared to previous trends. OSSEDI Malawi helps to maintain good relationship between Police and community in Mponela. OSSEDI Malawi has managed to educate the community to stop child labour especially in Mponela and chimwanza markets.

13 11. Project Challenges and lesson learnt
No safe home for children in Dowa district. Price hike because of devaluation of kwacha that made prices of fuel, stationery, Delaying of funding.

14 12. Project Challenges and lesson learnt (cont’d)
Lack of mobility for child protection committees Poor sanitation and hygiene in schools especially children with special needs. inadequately IEC materials. Weak governance systems at community level.

15 13. Project Challenges (Cont’d)
Inadequate interventions on Youth empowerment Livelihoods such as poverty is a contributing factor to children in indulging immoral behaviors, child labour, forced marriages at community level

16 14. Recommendations OSSEDI Malawi will propose Construction of safe home for children in T/A Mponela with request from Plan Malawi. OSSEDI Malawi shall request Plan Malawi consider of establish Youth Empowerment, Water and Sanitation interventions in both community and schools. OSSEDI Malawi will recommend timely disbursement of funds to meet project target . OSSEDI Malawi will propose the livelihoods intervention to support extremely poor households.

17 ZIKOMO KWAMBIRI 15. Conclusion
OSSEDI Malawi would like to appreciate support from Plan Malawi in collaboration with MHRYN and other stakeholders such as Police, Social Welfare Office and CSO’s for the assistance during implementation . ZIKOMO KWAMBIRI

18 15. Conclusion (Cont’d)

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