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August 29th, 2017 Mr. Isho Chemistry

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Presentation on theme: "August 29th, 2017 Mr. Isho Chemistry"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 29th, 2017 Mr. Isho Chemistry
Back to School Night August 29th, 2017 Mr. Isho Chemistry

2 Syllabus You should have received a syllabus last week
Students were expected to bring back the syllabus signed The syllabus can also be found on my website/Google Classroom Bishop Amat Website (search my name) Subscribe to receive notifications I will also be inviting you to be a Guardian in the Google Classroom

3 Contact No more phone extensions Please feel free to sign up for Remind text message alerts for Chemistry to 81010 or use the link on my website

4 Tutoring I will be in the Library on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:30
Any student who is looking for me should me to set an appointment for tutoring

5 Grading Policy Homework……………20% Quizzes…………………20% Tests…………………….20%
Exams…………………..20% Labs……………………..20%

6 Homework/Quizzes/Tests
No late Homework will be accepted after we have taken the Chapter Test Lowest Quiz gets dropped at the end of the Semester Tests will be announced, but students should be aware of them on the schedule.

7 Important Dates End of 7 Week Grading Period Parent Teacher Conference
Friday, October 6th Parent Teacher Conference Tuesday, October 24th End of 14 Week Grading Period Friday, November 24th Final Exams December 19th-21st

8 Questions?

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