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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Today we will: You will need:

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Today we will: You will need:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Today we will: You will need:
Read “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell (pp 70-74) Answer questions about what we have read You will need: McDougal Littell English I Literature Text Book MDG Questions Handout Pencil or Ink Pen BELLRINGER Please take an index card and write out all of the forms of be that act as linking and/or helping verbs. Work QUIETLY! You have 5 minutes.

2 Monday, September 24 DUE TODAY HOMEWORK
MDG Part One Typed Questions/Answers Independent Reading Journal #2 Complete Questions for Part Two

3 Please take a grammar worksheet (3.2) and begin working QUIETLY!
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 You will need: McDougal Littell English I Literature Text Book RAGES Worksheet RAGES Checklist Loose-leaf Paper Blue or Black Ink Pen Today we will: Construct a response for “The Most Dangerous Game” Part Two Rewrite our response using RAGES strategy, proper MLA format and formal writing guidelines. Turn in response for a grade. BELLRINGER Please take a grammar worksheet (3.2) and begin working QUIETLY! You have 5 minutes.

Read the prompt and make sure you understand it. Follow the RAGES strategy. Complete checklist Write your final response on loose-leaf paper in blue or black ink following all the rules of MLA and formal writing. Turn in your final response Alternate PPT - END

5 “The Most Dangerous Game” Writing Task #2 (25 points)
On a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper, respond to the following question in MLA format using the RAGES strategy. Question: In “The Most Dangerous Game” how does Richard Connell use characterization throughout the story to build suspense and reveal the message? Cite evidence to support your answer Restate the question in the form of a statement (complete sentence). Answer the question (How? Or Why?) Give an example in the form of a quote from the text. Tell where, when and from whom the quote comes; use quotation marks; cite author and page number in parenthesis Explain how the quote supports your answer. Summarize your answer in different words.

6 Formal Written Response
MLA Heading Original Title Indent 1st line Double-spaced Blue or Black Ink Only Do not write on back Do not use first person or contractions

7 Tuesday, September 25 HOMEWORK
MDG Part Two Questions/Answers

8 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 You will need:
Today we will: Complete the response for “The Most Dangerous Game” Part Two Rewrite our response using RAGES strategy, proper MLA format and formal writing guidelines. Turn in response for a grade You will need: McDougal Littell English I Literature Text Book RAGES Worksheet RAGES Checklist Loose-leaf Paper Blue or Black Ink Pen BELLRINGER: Please take an index card and begin writing the term and definitions from Unit 3 on the index card. Work QUIETLY! You have 5 minutes.

9 RAGES Checklist

10 RAGES Checklist

11 Wednesday, September 26 HOMEWORK
MDG Writing Assignment #2 (due tomorrow)

12 Please take a grammar worksheet (3.3) and begin working QUIETLY!
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Today we will: Explore Literary Elements in The Most Dangerous Game With your partner, complete the Exploration Worksheet You will need: McDougal Littell English I Literature Text Book Exploration Worksheet Blue or Black Ink Pen BELLRINGER Please take a grammar worksheet (3.3) and begin working QUIETLY! You have 10 minutes.

13 Conflicts in “The Most Dangerous Game”

14 Conflicts in “The Most Dangerous Game”

15 Conflicts in “The Most Dangerous Game”

16 Conflicts in “The Most Dangerous Game”

17 Characterization in “The Most Dangerous Game”

18 Characterization in “The Most Dangerous Game”

19 Theme of “The Most Dangerous Game”

20 Thursday, September 27 DUE TODAY HOMEWORK
MDG Writing Assignment #2 MDG Part Two Questions/Answers Independent Reading Journal #3 (due Monday)

21 Please take a grammar worksheet (3.3) and begin working QUIETLY!
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Today we will: Construct a final response for “The Most Dangerous Game” Rewrite our response using RAGES strategy, proper MLA format and formal writing guidelines. Turn in response for a grade. You will need: McDougal Littell English I Literature Text Book RAGES Worksheet RAGES Checklist Loose-leaf Paper Blue or Black Ink Pen BELLRINGER Please take a grammar worksheet (3.3) and begin working QUIETLY! You have 10 minutes.

Read the prompt and make sure you understand it. Follow the RAGES strategy. Complete checklist Write your final response on loose-leaf paper in blue or black ink following all the rules of MLA and formal writing. Turn in your final response Alternate PPT - END

23 “The Most Dangerous Game” Writing Task #3 (25 points)
On a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper, respond to the following question in MLA format using the RAGES strategy. Question: In “The Most Dangerous Game” how does Richard Connell use conflict to advance the plot and reveal the theme of the story? Cite evidence to support your answer. Restate the question in the form of a statement (complete sentence). Answer the question (How? Or Why?) Give an example in the form of a quote from the text. (Tell where, when and from whom the quote comes; use quotation marks; cite author and page number in parenthesis) Explain how the quote supports your answer. Summarize your answer in different words.

24 Formal Written Response
MLA Heading Original Title Indent 1st line Double-spaced Blue or Black Ink Only Do not write on back Do not use first person or contractions

25 Friday, September 28 DUE TODAY HOMEWORK
MDG Part Two Typed Questions/Answers MDG Writing Task #3 Independent Reading Journal Entry #3 (due Monday)

26 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 Today we will: You will need:
Write an introduction to a culminating essay for “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell You will need: Culminating Essay Writing Instructions Essay Outline Pencil BELLRINGER

27 Literary Analysis Writing Frames

28 Literary Analysis Writing Frames

29 English I LEAP 2025 Writing Rubric
8 7 6 5 4 Comprehension demonstrates full comprehension and provides an accurate analysis demonstrates good comprehension and/or provides a mostly accurate analysis demonstrates basic comprehension of ideas and/or provides a generally accurate analysis demonstrates limited comprehension of ideas and/or provides a minimally accurate analysis demonstrates no comprehension of ideas and/or provides an inaccurate or no analysis Development of Ideas effectively addresses the prompt and clearly develops ideas/claims that are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience addresses the prompt and develops ideas/claims that are mostly appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience addresses the prompt and develops ideas/claims that are somewhat appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience somewhat addresses the prompt and develops ideas/claims that may have a limited connection to the task, purpose, and audience does not address the prompt and/or ideas/claims are undeveloped and/or inappropriate to the task, purpose, and audience Support uses effective textual evidence and reasoning to fully supports ideas/claims uses textual evidence and reasoning that mostly supports ideas/claims uses textual evidence and reasoning that somewhat supports ideas/claims uses limited reasoning and/or textual evidence includes little to no evidence and/or reasoning Organization & Structure is effectively organized with clear and coherent writing; is organized with mostly clear and coherent writing; demonstrates some organization with somewhat coherent writing; demonstrates limited organization and coherence; lacks organization and coherence; Style establishes and maintains an effective style. establishes and maintains a mostly effective style. has a style that is somewhat effective. has a style that is minimally effective. has an inappropriate style. 3 2 1 Sentence Fluency & Cohesiveness Consistent variety of sentence structure throughout; effective use of transitions with clear relationships between claims and reasons. Uses a variety of sentence structure with transitions and clear connections between claims and reasons. Some variety of sentence structure with transitions attempts to make connections between claims and reasons. Limited variety in sentence structure; lacks transitions and/or little connection between claims and reasons. Little or no variety in sentence structure; no transitions used and/or no connections made between claims and reasons. Conventions demonstrates exceptional command of the conventions of standard English using highly effective word choice with very few minor errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage that do not affect the meaning. demonstrates full command of the conventions of standard English using effective word choice.A few minor errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage, but meaning is clear. demonstrates basic command of the conventions of standard English. Errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage may occasionally impede understanding, but the meaning is generally clear. demonstrates limited command of the conventions of standard English. Errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage impede understanding. demonstrates a lack of command of the conventions of standard English. Frequent and varied errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage impede understanding.

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