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D&T: Year 7 MR BRANDY D&T T r a i n g Me t h od s Techsoft 2D design

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Presentation on theme: "D&T: Year 7 MR BRANDY D&T T r a i n g Me t h od s Techsoft 2D design"— Presentation transcript:

1 D&T: Year 7 MR BRANDY D&T T r a i n g Me t h od s Techsoft 2D design
Hand Tools Computer Aided Design (CAD) CAD (computer-aided design) software is used by designers to create drawings or technical illustrations CAD Software Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) CAM (Computer aided manufacturing)) is the outcome of the Computer Aided Design process. CAM Hardware Name: Tenon Saw Function: The panel saw is used to make straight cuts in large pieces of sheet wood Machine Key words Pillar drill Used to drill holes in various materials. (Acrylic, MDF, Timber) Health Safety Goggles, Machine vice, Apron, 1 person per machine Purpose of a PAR-Q: It shows how READY someone is to begin a physical exercise programme. This is done by questions which gather information about someone’s health, past illness/injuries, medical conditions (identify if they have heart conditions etc, would they need to get a medical note from the doctors) and their current level of physical activity. Name: Coping Saw Function: The saw is used to cut shapes cut-outs in woodworking Google Sketchup 3D Printer Scroll Saw Used to cut through in various materials. (Acrylic, MDF, Timber) Safety Goggles, Machine vice, Apron, 1 person per machine Tinker CAD Name: Junior Hack Saw Function: The panel saw is used to cut through metal, such as aluminium and pewter Adobe illustrator Tool names Coping Saw Tenon Saw Junior Hack saw Hand file Bench Hook Metal Rule Name: Bench Hook Function: Used to secure material safely whilst being cut Adobe Photoshop Disc Sander Used to cut through in various materials. (Acrylic, MDF, Timber) Safety Goggles, Machine vice, Apron, 1 person per machine Laser Cutter Name: Chisel Function: used for cutting or carving hard materials such as metal, stone or wood CNC router Techsoft 2D design Name: Flat File Function: Used for general filing of hard materials such as metal and wood MR BRANDY D&T Components of fitness Fitness Testing Flexibility # Sit and Reach Muscular Endurance 30 seconds sit ups 30 second press ups Muscular strength Hand grip test Cardiovascular endurance 12 minutes (Cooper Test) Body composition BMI Continuous Training – constant rate running or cycling need to work at between 60% - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate (220-Age = MHR) this type of training develops muscular and cardiovascular endurance but also for burning up body fat and improving body composition – this would be good for training of a 10km or marathon Interval training: Fixed exercise of high and low intensity exercise eg you might alternate with speed 1 min then a brisk walk for 2 mins then you will repeat for a set time this will improve cardiovascular endurance but you need to overload to improve your fitness Fartlek – changes of speed it involves changes in intensity without stopping eg sprint for 10 seconds, then jog for 20 seconds repeated for 2 minutes followed by long-stride running for 2 minutes. Good for activities which need a change of pace like football and basketball Circuit Training – 6 – 10 stations you do specific exercise for a set amount of time before moving onto the next station. You’re allowed a short rest before moving onto the next station. All exercises are different – makes it more interesting, and can changed to meet an individual’s demands it can improve muscular and cardiovascular endurance. for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Weight Training – improves strength and muscular endurance eg bicep curls, dips, press-ups, sit-ups, squats, squats with a weight – need to think about the number of repetitions at each station or the time at each station for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets T r a i n g Me t h od s

2 Design Process Human Factors D&T: Year 9 T r a i n g Me t h od s
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) CAM (Computer aided manufacturing)) is the outcome of the Computer Aided Design process. CAM Hardware D&T: Year 9 Design Process Inclusive Design The design of mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably possible ... without the need for special adaptation or specialised design Aesthetics The physical appearance of a product. The material finish, colour, size and beauty. Design A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Purpose of a PAR-Q: It shows how READY someone is to begin a physical exercise programme. This is done by questions which gather information about someone’s health, past illness/injuries, medical conditions (identify if they have heart conditions etc, would they need to get a medical note from the doctors) and their current level of physical activity. Human Factors Tool names Coping Saw Tenon Saw Junior Hack saw Hand file Bench Hook Metal Rule Anthropometrics Anthropometrics is the study of the sizes of people in relation to products. For example, chairs used in schools need to be suitable for the average size of pupils Ergonomics Ergonomics is the relationship between people and the products which they use. Anthropometric data is used to help design products to meet ergonomic needs 5th to 95th Percentile Ergonomic designs must accommodate a range of user dimensions, typically from a 5th percentile woman to a 95th percentile man. This range will accommodate 9.5 out of 10 users. Components of fitness Fitness Testing Flexibility # Sit and Reach Muscular Endurance 30 seconds sit ups 30 second press ups Muscular strength Hand grip test Cardiovascular endurance 12 minutes (Cooper Test) Body composition BMI Name: Chisel Function: used for cutting or carving hard materials such as metal, stone or wood Name: Flat File Function: Used for general filing of hard materials such as metal and wood Continuous Training – constant rate running or cycling need to work at between 60% - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate (220-Age = MHR) this type of training develops muscular and cardiovascular endurance but also for burning up body fat and improving body composition – this would be good for training of a 10km or marathon Interval training: Fixed exercise of high and low intensity exercise eg you might alternate with speed 1 min then a brisk walk for 2 mins then you will repeat for a set time this will improve cardiovascular endurance but you need to overload to improve your fitness Fartlek – changes of speed it involves changes in intensity without stopping eg sprint for 10 seconds, then jog for 20 seconds repeated for 2 minutes followed by long-stride running for 2 minutes. Good for activities which need a change of pace like football and basketball Circuit Training – 6 – 10 stations you do specific exercise for a set amount of time before moving onto the next station. You’re allowed a short rest before moving onto the next station. All exercises are different – makes it more interesting, and can changed to meet an individual’s demands it can improve muscular and cardiovascular endurance. for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Weight Training – improves strength and muscular endurance eg bicep curls, dips, press-ups, sit-ups, squats, squats with a weight – need to think about the number of repetitions at each station or the time at each station for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Adobe Photoshop T r a i n g Me t h od s 3D Printer Techsoft 2D design Laser Cutter CNC router

3 Design Process Human Factors D&T: Year 10 Product Life Cycle T r a i n
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) CAM (Computer aided manufacturing)) is the outcome of the Computer Aided Design process. CAM Hardware D&T: Year 10 Design Process Inclusive Design The design of mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably possible ... without the need for special adaptation or specialised design Sustainable An increased demand for resources such as energy, food and fuel means that developing sustainable resources is critical to protect the environment for future generations. The Environment and Sustainability Aesthetics The physical appearance of a product. The material finish, colour, size and beauty. Product Life Cycle Design A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Purpose of a PAR-Q: It shows how READY someone is to begin a physical exercise programme. This is done by questions which gather information about someone’s health, past illness/injuries, medical conditions (identify if they have heart conditions etc, would they need to get a medical note from the doctors) and their current level of physical activity. Life cycle is the time from a product’s manufacture, to its recycling or disposal, at the end of its useful life. Customers often expect products to be designed and manufactured, so that they do as little damage to the environment as possible, throughout their entire lifetime. Products should: Be manufactured, from sustainable / recyclable materials, produce as little pollution as possible, during manufacture and use. Use as little energy / fuel as possible Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is the measure of the carbon dioxide produced by something or someone. Planned Obsolescence Planned obsolescence is when a product is designed and made with parts that are known to fail after a specific time. This means a new part or a new product will have to be bought to replace it. Human Factors Tool names Coping Saw Tenon Saw Junior Hack saw Hand file Bench Hook Metal Rule Anthropometrics Anthropometrics is the study of the sizes of people in relation to products. For example, chairs used in schools need to be suitable for the average size of pupils Ergonomics Ergonomics is the relationship between people and the products which they use. Anthropometric data is used to help design products to meet ergonomic needs 5th to 95th Percentile Ergonomic designs must accommodate a range of user dimensions, typically from a 5th percentile woman to a 95th percentile man. This range will accommodate 9.5 out of 10 users. Rethink - How can the product do the job better? Is the product energy efficient? Has the product been designed for disassembly? Reuse - Which parts of the product could be used again? Has the product got another use without having to process it? Recycle - Which parts of the product can be recycled? Is this information clear on the packaging? Repair - Which parts might need to be replaced? Which parts might fail with use or over time? How easy would it be to replace parts? Reduce - Are there any parts in your product that are not needed? How can the amount of material be reduced? How could you simplify your product? Refuse - Is your product really needed? Have you thought about the people who might be making your product - are they treated fairly (pay, living and working conditions etc)? Perceived Obsolescence Planned obsolescence is when a product is designed and made with parts that are known to fail after a specific time. This means a new part or a new product will have to be bought to replace it. Components of fitness Fitness Testing Flexibility # Sit and Reach Muscular Endurance 30 seconds sit ups 30 second press ups Muscular strength Hand grip test Cardiovascular endurance 12 minutes (Cooper Test) Body composition BMI Name: Chisel Function: used for cutting or carving hard materials such as metal, stone or wood Name: Flat File Function: Used for general filing of hard materials such as metal and wood Continuous Training – constant rate running or cycling need to work at between 60% - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate (220-Age = MHR) this type of training develops muscular and cardiovascular endurance but also for burning up body fat and improving body composition – this would be good for training of a 10km or marathon Interval training: Fixed exercise of high and low intensity exercise eg you might alternate with speed 1 min then a brisk walk for 2 mins then you will repeat for a set time this will improve cardiovascular endurance but you need to overload to improve your fitness Fartlek – changes of speed it involves changes in intensity without stopping eg sprint for 10 seconds, then jog for 20 seconds repeated for 2 minutes followed by long-stride running for 2 minutes. Good for activities which need a change of pace like football and basketball Circuit Training – 6 – 10 stations you do specific exercise for a set amount of time before moving onto the next station. You’re allowed a short rest before moving onto the next station. All exercises are different – makes it more interesting, and can changed to meet an individual’s demands it can improve muscular and cardiovascular endurance. for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Weight Training – improves strength and muscular endurance eg bicep curls, dips, press-ups, sit-ups, squats, squats with a weight – need to think about the number of repetitions at each station or the time at each station for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Adobe Photoshop T r a i n g Me t h od s 3D Printer Techsoft 2D design Laser Cutter CNC router

4 Design Process Human Factors D&T: Year 11 T r a i n g Me t h od s
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) CAM (Computer aided manufacturing)) is the outcome of the Computer Aided Design process. CAM Hardware D&T: Year 11 Design Process Inclusive Design The design of mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably possible ... without the need for special adaptation or specialised design Sustainable An increased demand for resources such as energy, food and fuel means that developing sustainable resources is critical to protect the environment for future generations. Graphene Graphene is made of a sheet of carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice. Of the above, it is closest in form to graphite, but whereas that material is made from two-dimensional sheets of carbon held layer-upon-layer by weak intermolecular bonds, graphene is only one-sheet thick. Aesthetics The physical appearance of a product. The material finish, colour, size and beauty. Design A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Purpose of a PAR-Q: It shows how READY someone is to begin a physical exercise programme. This is done by questions which gather information about someone’s health, past illness/injuries, medical conditions (identify if they have heart conditions etc, would they need to get a medical note from the doctors) and their current level of physical activity. Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is the measure of the carbon dioxide produced by something or someone. Polymorph Polymorph is available in small pellets which fuse together when heated to 62˚C. It can be moulded into shape resulting in a very tough polymer. Unused pellets can be re-heated and re-used. Polymorph is used for: manufacturing awkward shapes such as ergonomic handles joining components together making moulds for vacuum forming. Smart Colours Smart colours are pigments which can be incorporated into paints, dyes, inks and plastics. thermochromic pigments react to changes in temperature photochromic pigments react to changes in light levels Photochromatic materials are used in the manufacture of sunglasses. Exposure to sunlight causes the lens of the glasses to darken to protect the eye. Planned Obsolescence Planned obsolescence is when a product is designed and made with parts that are known to fail after a specific time. This means a new part or a new product will have to be bought to replace it. Human Factors Tool names Coping Saw Tenon Saw Junior Hack saw Hand file Bench Hook Metal Rule Anthropometrics Anthropometrics is the study of the sizes of people in relation to products. For example, chairs used in schools need to be suitable for the average size of pupils Ergonomics Ergonomics is the relationship between people and the products which they use. Anthropometric data is used to help design products to meet ergonomic needs 5th to 95th Percentile Ergonomic designs must accommodate a range of user dimensions, typically from a 5th percentile woman to a 95th percentile man. This range will accommodate 9.5 out of 10 users. Perceived Obsolescence Planned obsolescence is when a product is designed and made with parts that are known to fail after a specific time. This means a new part or a new product will have to be bought to replace it. Components of fitness Fitness Testing Flexibility # Sit and Reach Muscular Endurance 30 seconds sit ups 30 second press ups Muscular strength Hand grip test Cardiovascular endurance 12 minutes (Cooper Test) Body composition BMI Name: Chisel Function: used for cutting or carving hard materials such as metal, stone or wood Name: Flat File Function: Used for general filing of hard materials such as metal and wood Continuous Training – constant rate running or cycling need to work at between 60% - 80% of your Maximum Heart Rate (220-Age = MHR) this type of training develops muscular and cardiovascular endurance but also for burning up body fat and improving body composition – this would be good for training of a 10km or marathon Interval training: Fixed exercise of high and low intensity exercise eg you might alternate with speed 1 min then a brisk walk for 2 mins then you will repeat for a set time this will improve cardiovascular endurance but you need to overload to improve your fitness Fartlek – changes of speed it involves changes in intensity without stopping eg sprint for 10 seconds, then jog for 20 seconds repeated for 2 minutes followed by long-stride running for 2 minutes. Good for activities which need a change of pace like football and basketball Circuit Training – 6 – 10 stations you do specific exercise for a set amount of time before moving onto the next station. You’re allowed a short rest before moving onto the next station. All exercises are different – makes it more interesting, and can changed to meet an individual’s demands it can improve muscular and cardiovascular endurance. for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Weight Training – improves strength and muscular endurance eg bicep curls, dips, press-ups, sit-ups, squats, squats with a weight – need to think about the number of repetitions at each station or the time at each station for example 30 seconds exercise at each station 30 seconds rest then do the circuit twice or three times these are called sets Adobe Photoshop T r a i n g Me t h od s 3D Printer Techsoft 2D design Laser Cutter CNC router

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