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Welcome                                   SEAS – 001, Fall 2007, S. Ahmadi.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome                                   SEAS – 001, Fall 2007, S. Ahmadi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome                                   SEAS – 001, Fall 2007, S. Ahmadi

2 SEAS 001, today’s agenda: Welcome: Associate Dean Douglas Jones
Introduction: Professor Sharhokh Ahmadi Announcement: SEAS Student Organizations: Nathan Denver, V.P. E-Council Ethics in Engineering: Professor and Chair Dianne Martin Lab section Arrangements: Professor Shahrokh Ahmadi

3 Objectives: Learn and explore Engineering,
Learn skills and tools that are very useful in the academy and industry, Learn and experience team work, Become part of the Engineering community in GWU, know your classmates, Learn about SEAS activities, departments, programs, and resources, Experience active learning (learn things by doing it).

4 SEAS-001 is design to introduce the following:
Engineering/Mathematical computing tools: Matlab, Excel, Communication and Internet tools: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Netscape Composer (making web pages), Professional Ethics in Engineering, GWU/SEAS resources, activities, Engineering design

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