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Same Day Access and Customer Engagement

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1 Same Day Access and Customer Engagement
Noel Clark, CEO Carlsbad Mental Health

2 What is Same Day Access? Same Day Access is a both a philosophy and a practice management process. The philosophy dictates that the practice must respond to the customer the same day services are requested. Then, all efforts must focus on customer engagement.

3 Four (4) points I hope you take from this session
Same Day Access will improve customer outcomes, increase capacity, improve productivity and enhance revenue Same Day Access is both practice management and practice philosophy Capacity is not a number – it exists when a practice is unable to offer services as defined in Episode of Care (EOC) standards or treatment plans High No-shows and low productivity are not the problems – they are symptoms of an agency centered approach

4 When a customer walks into your practice for the first time and requests services – Does your practice say YES or NO?

5 Agency Centered Evaluate how much of your intake process is focused on feeding the data monster. Do you hand your customer an Intake Packet or review your Intake Packet with the Customer? Do your customers see a clinician on their first visit? Do you schedule Intakes?

6 Customer Centered Practice
Can a customers get an Intake an hour of any day you are open Do you have Customer Engagement Standards? Do you have a Customer Engagement Policy? Do you discharge inactive customers? Do you know the capacity of your practice? Do you remind customers of their appointments

7 FIRST STEPS Leadership must embrace SDA and the Premier Customer Service required to transform the practice Define your practice – Agency Centered or Customer Centered Re-define your practice to be prepared to respond and engage customers on their terms Performance Expectations, job descriptions, standard operating procedures related to SDA Ongoing monitoring of benchmarks that guide supervision and coaching

8 HOW DO I GET THERE? Discharge policy – Clean up your case loads
Practice Expectations Customer Engagement Standards Establishing performance standards Monitoring performance Coaching Supervision Executive – 30,000 feet Management – 10,000 Goals and Performance Standards plot course to arrive at Executive Team’s vision Monitoring performance provides adjustment in the course on the voyage toward the vision Coaching Supervision ways Not only keep the CEO at 30k – also provides verification that the practice is on course.

9 DISCHARGE POLICY Clean up your case loads
Inactive customers – define inactive Establish standard Attempt to re-engage customers – letters/calls If they decline – admin discharge First step in understanding your capacity

10 CLEAN UP CASELOADS Capacity exists when your practice is unable to schedule appointments to meet your Customer Engagement Standards Management Team defines “inactive” Discharge customers who are inactive Manager responsible for monthly clean up Monitor the number of admits and discharges monthly

11 Assignments Closed by Clinician, April 2012
Executive – 30,000 feet Management – 10,000 Goals and Performance Standards plot course to arrive at Executive Team’s vision Monitoring performance provides adjustment in the course on the voyage toward the vision Coaching Supervision ways Not only keep the CEO at 30k – also provides verification that the practice is on course.

12 Practice Expectations
Access Goals – no appointments for intakes Productivity – includes hours billed and documentation compliance No Shows – for 2nd appointments Backfilling appointments Standard Operation Procedures Case Completion goals Monthly reporting

13 CARLSBAD MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Practice Expectations 1st Quarter Revisions – FY 12
BUSINESS OPERATIONS Department and corporate revenue will meet or exceed budgeted amounts on a quarterly basis. Corrective action plans will be in place by January 31st where revenues shortfalls are noted during the first 2 quarters of operations. The CFO will provide the E-Team and DPM a quarterly report identifying revenue shortfalls by department. Department and corporate expenses will be managed at 90% of revenue annually. Corrective action plans will be in place by January 31st each year where expenses exceed 90% of revenue in the first 6 months of operations. CFO will provide the E-Team and DPM a quarterly report identifying areas where expense overruns are identified Department and corporate revenue and expense budgets will be reviewed quarterly and revised as necessary. Review and revisions must be completed and implemented by the 30th day of the month following the end of the quarter. 90% of client cancellations will be backfilled by the CSRs. Compliance will be reported to the E-Team monthly. All appointments will be confirmed 48 hours in advance. All client cancels with less than 24 hours notice will be considered and documented as a No Show. Customers will be advised of this at the 48 hour confirmation and appointment cards CSR Manager will provide a scheduled monthly update to E-Team on customer fees to include comparison to goal   No revenue lost due to authorization or credentialing problems. New direct service staff must be credentialed to provide services prior to beginning employment Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) will be managed and the DPM will report these figures to the E-Team monthly. Suspense Reports will be monitored and reported by the DPM. Corrective action plans will be in place for staff where suspended billing is deemed a problematic issue

14 Customer Engagement Standards
Second clinical appointment First medical appointment Treatment plan development Tentative diagnosis Episode of Care Performance goals define what is monitored Monthly reporting Supervision & Coaching to standards



17 No Show Management Define No Shows & cancellations
Define number of No Shows per EOC How many center cancellations should a customer allow before firing you? Revise policy to incorporate standards Revise Customer Rights and Responsibilities Monitor performance and provide coaching & supervision

18 Develop an Intake Team Build around clinicians with solid diagnostic skills and who are widely credentialed Realistic productivity expectations – 3 intakes a day Define the elements of an Intake Define roles and responsibilities (insurance verification, confirmation, prior authorizations) Incorporate data gathering, fee assignment, fee collection and centralized scheduling Monitor Intakes monthly and compliance at each step – customer service, clinical, documentation Know in advance when to add FTEs. Adjust FTEs quarterly

19 Carlsbad’s Timeliness Case Study
Carlsbad MHC produced data that demonstrate the following about the relationship between initial contact for help, Same Day Access, second appointments and no-shows.  Sample size new customers. Approximately 95 percent of the customers who have their second appointment scheduled within 12.2 days of their Intake show for that appointment.  Therefore the 10 day access standard that is recommended is valid for  the second counseling service and medical appointment.  Approximately 70 percent of customers who have the second appointment scheduled 22 days or more after their intake did not show. 100 percent of the customers whose second appointment was canceled by the Center – never came back.

20 Lessons Learned No shows at intake can and should be eliminated
Low productivity and high no-shows are symptoms of poor customer service Customers don’t stop coming because they aren’t motivated – they stop because we fail to engage them Episodes of Care make providers accountable to our customers Outlining the cost, frequency of appointments and duration of the process improves engagement Capacity has nothing to do with caseloads and everything to do with compliance with EOC guidelines Customer service impacts productivity Open Access is premier customer service The reasons customer didn’t show, stopped coming and didn’t finish was because we offered poor customer service The more information you can provide at open access about an EOC, the more you demonstrate to the customer your willingness to be held accountable. As practice management becomes more efficient and productive, outcomes improve. CAPACITY EXISTS WHEN A PRACTICE IS UNABLE TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO INTAKES, 2ND CLINICAL APPOINTMENTS AND 1ST MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT STANDARDS.

21 Final Thought If a practice expectation is important enough to be identified, Leadership must define it, incorporate it into into training, job descriptions, standard operating procedures, performance evaluations and performance incentives.

22 Executive – 30,000 feet Management – 10,000 Goals and Performance Standards plot course to arrive at Executive Team’s vision Monitoring performance provides adjustment in the course on the voyage toward the vision Coaching Supervision ways Not only keep the CEO at 30k – also provides verification that the practice is on course.

23 Coaching & Supervision
Executive – 30,000 feet Management – 10,000 Goals and Performance Standards plot course to arrive at Executive Team’s vision Monitoring performance provides adjustment in the course on the voyage toward the vision Coaching Supervision ways Not only keep the CEO at 30k – also provides verification that the practice is on course.

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