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CEN3722 Human Computer Interaction Understanding Users Part II

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1 CEN3722 Human Computer Interaction Understanding Users Part II
Dr. Ron Eaglin

2 Lesson Objectives Describe why it is important to understand users of our systems Individual differences Abilities Knowledge Skills Experience Describe why it is important to understand the tasks users will perform.

3 Product Design Identify users who interact directly with the system
Brainstorm a list of users Create a matrix of user groups vs. major tasks Identify assumptions of user groups (education, experience, age, gender, etc…) Job titles and responsibilities Education or training – schooling, OJT, workshops, seminar User understanding of workflow process

4 Example – Oven Timer SET SET 10 1 2 45 9 2 8 3 7 hr min 6 4 5

5 Example – Oven Timer Microwave timer – notice common food settings
What assumptions can we make about user preferences for interface? Age – Gender – Level of experience What assumptions can we make about the task? Speed – convenience - accuracy Microwave timer – notice common food settings

6 What users know about their tasks
How did users learn to perform the tasks they do on their job? How long have they been doing the tasks? Has the task changed over time? Do users do many different tasks or the same task repeated? Do users teach/help each other how to do task? Do the users supervise anyone (or have supervisor)? Are there any people who have not done the task? (to observe)

7 What users know about tools
Users will find alternatives to products they do not like. Will wash dishes by hand if they don’t like dishwasher controls Will balance checkbook by hand if they do not like software

8 Questions for Users (Tools)
What tools or software are you using today? Have you always used same (one) tool or many different tools? Where did you learn to use the tool? How proficient are you using the tool (epxert/beginner)? What computer systems do you use (Windows/Max/Mainframe/iOS/Android/etc) ? Are you a mouse or keyboard user?

9 Asking Questions (Survey - formats)
Ordinal Scale Interval Scale Meaningful Scale

10 Ordinal Scale Example 1 - Very unimportant 2 - Unimportant
4 - Very important 5 - Don’t know

11 Interval Scale Example
Interval scale is one in which distance between anchors is in meaningful units and the same How many errors do you make a day? 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

12 Interval Scale 1 - Very unimportant 2 - Unimportant
3 - Neither unimportant nor important 4 - Important 5 - Very important

13 Meaningful Scale Endorsement Example Definitely true True Don’t know
False Definitely false Example Use the scale to answer the following question: I felt comfortable using the system

14 Meaningful Scale Frequency Example: Always Very often Fairly often
Sometimes Almost never Never Example: What frequently do you make the same mistake with the software you currently use on your job?

15 Meaningful Scale Intensity Example: None Very mild Mild Moderate
Severe Example: How would you rate the intensity of the shock you received :-)

16 Meaningful Scale Influence Example: Big problem Moderate problem
Small problem Very small problem No problem Example: Given your description of the error, how would you rate it’s influence on your ability to do your job?

17 Meaningful Scale Comparison Example: Much better than others
Somewhat better than others About the better as others Somewhat worse than others Much worse than others Example: How would you compare the learnability of this system with others you have used?



20 Lesson Objectives Describe why it is important to understand users of our systems Individual differences Abilities Knowledge Skills Experience Describe why it is important to understand the tasks users will perform.

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