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Presentation on theme: "EXTRA CARE HOUSING - THE WIDER AGENDA"— Presentation transcript:

27th February 2014

2 Extra Care Housing - A variety of models -

3 Extra Care Housing - Key Benefits -

4 Extra Care Housing - Key Benefits (2) -
Research by the International Longevity Centre identified that: ECH is providing important provision within a range of housing options for older people Older People prefer ECH to residential care – it meets their needs, demands and aspirations ECH reduced the number of hospital admissions Prevention – enables residents to live independently for longer Provides a vibrant community resource Benefits Adult Social Care and other partner agencies

5 Extra Care Housing - The factors for success -
Funding In recent decades the provision of ECH has grown significantly: Assisted by the provision of capital grant from the DH and the HCA DH Capital Grants Opportunities for future funding: The HCA programme inviting RPs, LAs, developers and others to bid for a share of up to £1.7bn of grant funding Availability of land Some new schemes – can’t build sufficient… Utilising brown field sites Making best use of good quality sheltered housing (virtual ECH) Partnership working Housing, Social Care, Health and the Third Sector

6 Extra Care Housing - Part of the solution –
Care & support solutions Extra Care Housing Preventative Services Floating Support Preventative Services – community hubs Specialist dementia provision Residential / Nursing Care

7 Why Extra Care Housing -The challenges in the County -
Demographic predictions in Gloucestershire The economic climate a requirement to: Achieve financial savings on residential care provision - prevent / delay admissions Prevent inappropriate admissions to acute hospitals through the promotion of health & well- being by, for example: Identifying health problems at an early stage Reducing falls Improving nutrition Reducing social isolation Avoiding crises that can lead to the requirement for more extensive service options. Gloucestershire 2012 2020 % Increase Population aged 65+ 116,800 140,400 20% - POPPI data Population aged 90+ 6,100 8,700 43% - POPPI data

8 Why Extra Care Housing -The Gloucestershire approach -
ECH Strategy in Gloucestershire identifies: A requirement for ECH for rent and for sale in the County PLUS: Communal facilities within the developments to provide hubs for older people in the area in addition to meeting the needs of residents living within the schemes Schemes built in Gloucestershire to date: St Oswalds, Gloucester Marina Court, Tewkesbury Pipeline schemes in Cheltenham and Coleford Numerous applications for private development.

9 Why Extra Care Housing - Community Hubs -
What older people in Gloucestershire told us they wanted: Locality hubs based in the centre of their communities That any hubs must meet the needs of both urban and rural communities in the County That mini-hubs should be created in villages Hubs should be allowed to evolve over time so that the community could take ownership of them

10 Why Extra Care Housing - Community Hubs -
What is a community hub? A venue within a local community: Extra Care Scheme Sheltered housing scheme Village hall What are the objectives: Reduce social isolation Address the preventative agenda Improve health and well-being

11 Why Extra Care Housing -Developing community hubs-
Current Hubs 1 Foxes Bridge 2 Sheppard House 3 Clee House 4 Marina Court 5 Duke of Beaufort Court 6 Mulberry Court Recently Established Hubs 7 Badger Vale Court 8 Oliver Close 9 Broom House 10 Charter Court 11 Uplands 12 Wallace House 13 Goldfoot House 14 Moreton 15 Market Close Under Discussion 16 Lydney 17 Middleton House 18 Grange View

12 Community Hubs - Exceeding our expectations -

13 Community Hub Development - The key to our success -
The programme was founded on firm platform of statistical evidence Priority areas of need in the County were identified at an early stage The enthusiasm of organisations across the County Worked in partnership with the County Co-ordinator to identify suitable venues for the hubs The pump-priming of the hubs during the first 12 months enabled the services to be set up and work towards a self-sustaining outcome ‘Taster sessions’ for local people to: Experience the kinds of activity that could be available to them and propose other activity possibilities A newsletter, ‘HubLife’ which gives feedback on the activities taking place in the hubs and provides inspiration to introduce additional events

14 Why Extra Care Housing - Community Hubs – Next Steps -
Develop additional marketing material to promote hubs We are instigating a hub evaluation programme so that we can identify achieved outcomes Widening the scope of the hubs -which will include a GP social prescribing pilot Link the hubs together which will enable more older people to take advantage of individual events Working with the Barnwood Trust with their ‘You’re Welcome’ Campaign

15 It’s time for you to contribute
Let’s concentrate on partnership working

16 Extra Care Housing - The key to success – partnership working -
We need to ensure that we get the right people at the right time into the right part of the system For ECH to be successful partnership working is essential – what would you identify as the key measures to put in place to achieve this? Fast track housing allocations for the people who have been assessed by social care as vulnerable and needing better housing urgently? How would you develop virtual extra care and  a more co-ordinated approach to delivering services which would enable people to continue living in the community?

27th February 2014

18 Partnership working - an ECH Roadmap -


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