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What does it mean to infer or to make an inference?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to infer or to make an inference?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to infer or to make an inference?
You take information that you have and decide on what something means. You are making a conclusion about something. When you infer or make an inference about something, you must have evidence to support your thought or your conclusion. This evidence can come from the information in a text that you read, pictures that you look at, and/or from personal experiences that you have had.

2 Make an inference based on each picture.

3 Now, we are going to look at a picture, but we are going to look at it in 3 different steps.
The first look is only going to be a quick look. You will write down several things that you notice.


5 What did you notice for your first look?

6 Now, we are going to take a second look. Look a bit closer this time
Now, we are going to take a second look. Look a bit closer this time. This is where you are going to make some inferences. For example, if you see a smile, the character may be happy. If the character has candy, he may eat it.


8 What did you notice for your second look?

9 Now, we are going to take a third look
Now, we are going to take a third look. You are going to look at the picture again, but this time think of a scenario or a short story describing what is going on in the picture. You must have evidence to back up the story you make up. This evidence will come from the inferences you made about the picture. It can also come from personal experience. For example if you see the sun is shining in the picture and kids have on shorts, you know from personal experience that it is probably hot, so you can add that to your story.



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