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worldwide Asserting an international strategy

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1 worldwide Asserting an international strategy
NACLIN 2014, December 9th, 2014 , Pondichery Isabelle Nyffenegger, Head of International Relations, BnF

2 in a nutshell Budget: €258 M. Staff: 2,400 employees Collections:
14 M. books, 12 M. prints, manuscripts, 1 M. sound recordings, 98 To of data for 2.4 billion URL as part of the legal deposit of the web Readers: 840,000 Website: 26,7 M. visits a year 3 M. documents 14 M. visits a year 268 partners Figures for entire year 2013

3 in a nutshell Richelieu François Mitterrand Arsenal Maison Jean Vilar
Bibliothèque de l’Opéra Richelieu Arsenal Maison Jean Vilar

4 A global influence Participating to 58 international networks etc.

5 A global influence 19 bilateral partnerships

6 Strategic priority Francophone countries


8 Strategic priority Europe and European projects

9 Leading digitisation programmes…
Online France in America 2007 France in Brazil 2009 Coming soon France- Japan 2014 France- Poland 2016 Trans-Siberian 2016 Ottoman Press in French 2015 Sinica (China) 2015 Levant Library 2017

10 Propositions méthodologiques


12 … and participating to international programmes
Revolutionary pamphlets 2012- 2008- Chinese ancient books 2013- 2009- 2008- 2009-

13 Sharing expertise

14 Training

15 Loans and exhibitions

16 Indian collections at BnF
Circa 2,500 miniatures and paintings Circa 1,064 manuscripts Maps and pictures Circa 9,000 audio recording Successful exhibition on Indian miniatures (2010) and 5,000 printed materials in Indian languages

17 Collaboration perspectives between India & BnF
Digitation programmes Participation to Exchange of expertise Training Exhibitions

18 A team dedicated to international actions
Photo d’équipe

19 @BnFMonde
Thanks for your attention.

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