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Welcome to Year 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2

2 Meet the Year 2 Team Teachers Miss Johnson (covered by Miss Worth)
Miss Rastall (covered by Miss Snell) Teaching Assistants Miss Mardan Mrs Bell Mrs Harrison

3 The things we cover tonight:
Reading, writing and maths expectations in Year 2 Homework in Year 2 Reading at home in Year 2 Spelling in Year 2 PE in Year 2 The afternoon curriculum, trips and visitors Questions

4 Miss Johnson’s Class Timetable

5 Miss Rastall’s Class Timetable


7 Year 2 reading expectation


9 Year 2 writing expectation


11 Year 2 maths expectation

12 Year 2 SAT’s take place in May meeting Feb / March

13 How can you help? Positive thinking, positive talking
Be at school on time every day - come to Key Skills at 8:45 Read every night Help children to complete any homework Encourage early bed times Simply be interested in your child’s learning (as you are now, because that’s why you are here!) Positive thinking, positive talking Praise them for making an effort. If you are worried see any teacher any time – we are here to help.

14 Reading at home Miss Johnson’s Class change their books on a Thursday.
Two Oxford Reading Tree books will be given each week. Miss Johnson’s Class change their books on a Thursday. Miss Rastall’s Class change their books on a Friday. We would also encourage you to visit our amazing school library for a wider range of books to suit all interests.

15 Reading records

16 Homework In Year 2 homework will be given on a Wednesday
and handed in on a Monday. Top tips for homework Turn off the TV Encourage children’s independence Praise children’s efforts Be positive (no stress) Please ask class teacher for support if children are struggling

17 Year 2 Spelling Tests every THREE weeks.
Spellings at home Spelling book Spelling book Year 2 Spelling Tests every THREE weeks.

18 Spelling activities

19 PE days Year 2’s PE days are Wednesday & Friday. Strictly NO jewellery
Plain white t-shirt Year 2’s PE days are Wednesday & Friday. Black shorts Strictly NO jewellery Sand shoes

20 The afternoon curriculum

21 Question based curriculum

22 Trips and visitors Seaside The Deep Ferens Art Gallery

23 Water bottle

24 The safeguarding team Mrs Cooke Child protection coordinator
Mrs Adkinson Head of School & Safeguarding strategic lead Mrs Whitelam Assistant Head & Joint safeguarding strategic lead

25 Wellbeing Mrs Brady Wellbeing worker

26 Any questions ? ? ? ?

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