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Temple Christian Fellowship, Old St. Charles Rd

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1 Temple Christian Fellowship, 11625 Old St. Charles Rd
Lawn Concert for CHM Temple Christian Fellowship, Old St. Charles Rd When: Tuesday I-270 Lindbergh June 5 Natural Bridge 2018 St. Charles Rock Rd Fee Fee Rd. Play Time: I-70 Temple Christian Fellowship 7:00 Old St. Charles (Rock) Rd Bring: Directions: Note: The street is sometimes referred to as “Old St. Charles Rock Road” and sometimes as “Old St. Charles Road”. - Go North on I-270 to St. Charles (Rock) Road East (right) on to St. Charles (Rock) Road, to McKelvey Road. Right on McKelvey, up the hill, over I-70 to Old St. Charles Road Left on Old St. Charles Road. Proceed through a series of stop sign intersections, to the church on your left. A BBQ meal is offered beginning at 6pm. CHM = Community Helping Ministry Stands & Chairs There will be a free will offering towards Community Helping Ministry

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