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How did William control England after the Battle of Hastings?

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Presentation on theme: "How did William control England after the Battle of Hastings?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did William control England after the Battle of Hastings?
WALT – explore a motte and bailey diagram

2 Starter - Anagrams rkoy stlaec lliiawm dufela ssymet I eovl ohytrsi
Castle, william, normans, york, feudal system, motte and bailey, I love history annmosr etotm dan lebayi

3 Map from memory in groups of 3.

4 Motte and Bailey Castle
Draw and colour in. 20 minutes!

5 Motte and Bailey Castle
Wooden Keep Motte Bailey Houses Palisade Gate Ditch/Moat Bridge

6 Definitions of the following words…
Motte – Bailey – Pallisade – Moat – Keep -

7 Advantages Disadvantages
Whole class discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of motte and bailey castles. Bullet point list in to table.

8 Were motte and bailey castles effective?
I think motte and bailey castles were effective/ineffective because... Give reasons to support your opinion.

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