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What’s In it? Missing Food Breakin’ It Down

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1 100 200 300 400 500 What’s In it? Missing Food Breakin’ It Down
Keeping Fresh Little Parts

2 What is the University of Washington?
Example A public institution in the Pacific Northwest with a Husky named “Dubs” as its mascot What is the University of Washington?

3 Food Energy 100 Converted from food by cells in the body,
measured in calories Food Energy

4 Fats 200 Wide group of compounds that do not mix with water,
can be a form of energy in certain foods. Fats

5 most important source of
300 One of the main types of nutrients, most important source of energy for the body Carbohydrates

6 essential for Animal and human,
400 Elements or compounds essential for Animal and human, as well as plant Growth Nutrients

7 absorbed from the soil into plants, hat living things need to survive
500 Chemical elements absorbed from the soil into plants, hat living things need to survive  Minerals

8 Sensation experienced when one feels the need to eat food
100 Sensation experienced when one feels the need to eat food Hunger

9 Widespread scarcity of food causing hunger and starvation
200 Widespread scarcity of food causing hunger and starvation Famine

10 more prone to illnesses
300 Not getting enough of the right nutrients, more prone to illnesses Malnutrition

11 Disease that forms from lack of Vitamin C, stops wounds from healing
400 Disease that forms from lack of Vitamin C, stops wounds from healing Scurvy

12 500 The leftovers after the body uses up all the parts of food it can use & where food goes when we're done with it’s scraps Waste

13 To bite and grind with the teeth
100 To bite and grind with the teeth Chew

14 Stomach 200 Where food settles until muscles and acids within the body
can break it down into smaller pieces Stomach

15 The body's muscles and chemicals break down food into tiny bits
300 The body's muscles and chemicals break down food into tiny bits that can be absorbed into the bloodstream Digestion

16 400 Roughage from foods which aides in carrying out waste from the body, but isn't actually digested by the body Fiber

17 Absorbtion 500 The act of taking in or receiving by
chemical or molecular action Absorbtion

18 100 Food item that has been frozen and dried at same time to remove all moisture Freeze-Dried

19 Methods of preparing food to resist decomposition and fermentation
200 Methods of preparing food to resist decomposition and fermentation Preservation

20 Chemicals added to food to make it last longer for storage
300 Chemicals added to food  to make it last longer for storage Preservatives

21 Heating process to destroy pathogens and bacteria in food products
400 Heating process to destroy pathogens and bacteria in food products Pasteurization

22 500 Any process that eliminates or kills all forms of microbial life through really, really high heat.  Sterilization

23 100 Unit of measurement used to express the amount of food energy within a food item Calorie

24 A substance with distinct molecular composition
200 A substance with distinct molecular composition Chemical

25 Microscopic 300 Object so small the naked eye can't see it, large
enough to view in microscope Microscopic

26 where animals are allowed
400 Vocabulary Daily Double Type of farming where animals are allowed to roam freely

27 500 Microscopic living organism, such as a bacterium fungus, protozoan, or virus Microbes

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