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Understanding Report Cards

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Report Cards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Report Cards

2 Report Card

3 reading

4 writing

5 mathematics

6 science

7 history

8 art

9 music

10 physical education

11 Reading, math, science, social studies, art, music, and P. E
Reading, math, science, social studies, art, music, and P.E. are all subjects.

12 You receive a grade for each subject on your report card.

13 A’s and B’s are good grades.

14 C’s are average grades.

15 D’s are bad grades. F’s are failing grades.

16 When you are sick and don’t come to school, you are absent.

17 When you are late arriving to school, you are tardy.

18 The number of times you are absent or tardy will appear on your report card.

19 Sometimes parents and teachers have conferences to discuss Report Cards.

20 If a student is passing his/her subjects, they will be promoted to the next grade.

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