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Reflexions on Learning

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1 Reflexions on Learning
Paraty – July 2010 Pedro Zanni

2 Teams can be more (or less) than the sum of their individual parts.
Team Performance Teams can be more (or less) than the sum of their individual parts. Pedro Zanni

3 Synergistic Problem-Solving Model
Effective Solutions Rational Skills and Processes Interpersonal Skills and Processes Analyzing the situation Setting objetives Simplifying the problem Considering alternatives Discussing the consequences Listening Supporting Differing Participating Striving for consensus (Technical Quality) (Acceptance) Pedro Zanni Effective Solution= Technical Quality X Acceptance

4 Building Consensus It’s important that all team members support the team’s decision In the seach for consensus, the priority is to identify a plan that everyone in the group can at least “live with” Participants should build upon the aspects they agree (instead of focusing on the topics they disagree) Pedro Zanni

5 Conflict Diagnosis Disfunctional (or affective) Conflicts- To be avoided based on emmotions, focused on personal differences or personal disputes Functional (or cognitive) Conflicts - Good task-oriented and focused on differences on how to analyze or to achieve common objectives To remenber: Suspect of “groupthink”!! Treat differences as a source of ideas, not as a source of interpersonal conflicts Clearly specify the causes of the different thoughts Focus on these causes Pedro Zanni

6 Team Learning Dynamic Team Individual Learning Rate Team Formation
Team Maturity time Learning how to learn Experimentation / social validation Verbal and non verbal communication Cognitive alignment Psychological safety More comfortable to take interpersonal risks Constructive conflict Cognitive transformation Team Knowledge - Higher Innovative Potential

7 Task Complexity Chaos Linear, Controlled + Interdependency _
Sequential “Command and control” Short term value Systemic Self managed Long time value New Ventures Innovation + Interdependency Repetitive Outside managed Short term value Sequential Reciprocal Interaction _

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