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Warm Up Imagine I have asked you to find 4 new sources to use for next year’s Part B assessment. I have decided to make the theme “The Rise of Far Right.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Imagine I have asked you to find 4 new sources to use for next year’s Part B assessment. I have decided to make the theme “The Rise of Far Right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Imagine I have asked you to find 4 new sources to use for next year’s Part B assessment. I have decided to make the theme “The Rise of Far Right Politics in the U.S. and Europe in the 2010’s.” How would you go about finding sources? What issues would you be concerned about in evaluating sources? Be prepared to share your thinking with the class.

2 Chromebooks Everyone has an assigned Chromebook to use in class. Only use your assigned Chromebook. If there is an issue with your assigned Chromebook let me know. You should only take your Chromebook out of the cart when instructed to do so. The Chromebooks should only be out when we are actively working with them.

3 Finding Sources We will look at 4 web sites today that you can use to find potential sources for evidence to support your arguments. Google EBSCO JSTOR GALE

4 Finding Sources We will look at 4 web sites today that you can use to find potential sources for evidence to support your arguments. Google – EBSCO JSTOR GALE

5 Finding Sources We will look at 4 web sites today that you can use to find potential sources for evidence to support your arguments. Google – EBSCO – JSTOR GALE

6 Finding Sources We will look at 4 web sites today that you can use to find potential sources for evidence to support your arguments. Google – EBSCO – JSTOR – GALE

7 Finding Sources We will look at 4 web sites today that you can use to find potential sources for evidence to support your arguments. Google – EBSCO – JSTOR – GALE – go through Leland Home Page

8 Credibility of Sources
RAVEN Reputation – What is the reputation of the author, the sources and the publication? Ability to Observe – Is the author in a position that allows access to reliable evidence? Did the author actually observe the events? Vested Interest – Does the author have a personal stake in the topic? Expertise – Is the author or source an expert in this field? Neutrality – Is the author or source biased or neutral?

9 Credibility of Sources
CRAAP Currency – Is the information or source current or out of date? Relevance – Is the information relevant to your argument? Would you be comfortable citing this source? Authority – What are the author’s or source’s credentials or qualifications? Accuracy – Is the information supported by evidence? Has the publication been refereed? Purpose – Why did the author write this? What is his/her objective?

10 Practice Finding Sources
Use the outline that was returned to you at the beginning of class. This outline used the 4 sources related to Income Inequality. Using one of the four websites we discussed, find 2 sources related to this topic. Complete the Finding Sources worksheet for your 2 sources.

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