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Rural development statistics

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1 Rural development statistics
Item 6 of the agenda Overview of data collection exercise 2010 Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

2 Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012
Plan Rural development concept Statistical domains involved Socio economic data need Data collection for rural development grant exercise 2010 Report and data assessments Overview of the exercise and examples Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

3 Rural development concept
Broad concept covering the improvement of the quality of life and encouraging diversification of the economy in rural areas Second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy Highlighted the urban-rural aspects of the EU regions important item of the EU regional policy Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

4 Statistical domains involved
Rural development statistics Socio-economic domains: demography, labour market, employment, education, economic accounts, economic activities, etc. Agricultural and environmental domains Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

5 Socio economic data need
Socio-economic data for rural development Data by NUTS 3 regions Data already available in Eurostat databases Data not at Eurostat disposal need of additional breakdowns, etc. Geographic location of services or facilities Information not at Eurostat disposal, need of update, etc. Gisco database and specific geographical data sources Urban-rural typology Update Need of additional data collection Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

6 Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

7 Data collection for rural development grant exercise 2010
start of the exercise Purpose: Fulfilling the need of additional data List of the requested data based on the former exercise and availability of the data in the NSIs (See Annex of the document) Covering period Data collection supported by grants 9 Member States applied to the grant and provided data and reports (AT, BG, DK, FI, HU, PL, RO, SK), a couple of countries offered to send some data without support Technical part of the exercise has been finalised Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

8 Report and data assessments
Completeness of the requested data Metadata Definition Data source Methodology used etc. Quality assessment Sustainability of the data delivery and availability and regular dissemination Consistency with the data available in Eurostat databases Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

9 EU coverage of the exercise
Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

10 Response rate of the exercise
Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

11 Response rate by domains
Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

12 Compared with Eurostat database
Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

13 Compared with Eurostat database by domains
Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

14 Example of demographic variable
Variable: Age structure by 5-years age groups Definition: Population at 1st January Data available in Eurostat databases by larger age groups Data sources: register or estimation based on register Data produced and disseminated on a regular basis Complete datasets Complete match with Eurostat database No confidentiality and representativeness issues Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

15 Example of economic variable
Variable: Employment in the food industry Definition: Employment definition depends on the data source Data available in Eurostat databases at NUTS2 and/or national levels Data sources: Business register or Labour force survey Data not produced and disseminated on a regular basis Some datasets were incomplete or not provided at NUTS3 level Some discrepancies with Eurostat database Some representativeness issues have been reported Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

16 Example of geographic variable
Variable: Location of primary school, address and geographical coordinates Data sources: register, survey Data produced and disseminated not on a regular basis Incomplete datasets, geo-codification often have needed a specific work Education classification refers more to education level The address may be administrative address Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

17 Thank you for your attention
contact Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

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