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Pinch Pot.

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Presentation on theme: "Pinch Pot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pinch Pot

2 Start with a ball of clay about the size of a fist

3 Start the opening

4 Gently press the clay from the inside with your thumb against your fingers on the outside.


6 Things To Remember: Keep rotating your pot as you are pinching to keep wall thinness and height. Try for an even wall thickness or thinness as you pinch your way around the bowl. Look for lightweight quality volume and symmetry of pinch.

7 Different Kinds of pinch pots


9 Lisa Farris

10 Pinch Pot for Drinking

11 Square Pinch Pots



14 Sources
rt-of-cup-functional-comfort.html cer1 pinch-pots/ Sources

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