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Night Letters by Normand Chartier

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Presentation on theme: "Night Letters by Normand Chartier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Night Letters by Normand Chartier

2 Night Letters Author: Normand Chartier Illustrator: Palmyra LoMonaco
Genre: Realistic Fiction Comprehension Skill: Ask Questions Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure

3 Draw Conclusions All the third-grade students at Hilltop School play soccer. Bobbi is a third-grade student at Hilltop School. Does Bobbi play soccer?

4 Drawing Conclusions When we draw a conclusion, we think about facts and details. We also think about what we already know. Also, we can ask ourselves questions as we read to help us draw conclusions.

5 Words to Know blade budding dew fireflies flutter notepad patch

6 blade A leaf of grass

7 budding Putting forth small swellings on a plant that will grow into leaves

8 dew The moisture from the air that collects in small drops on cool surfaces during the night

9 fireflies Small insects that give off flashes of light when they fly

10 flutter To flap the wings

11 notepad A small book of blank or lined sheets of paper in which you write notes or things that you need to learn or remember.

12 patch A small piece of ground that is different from what surrounds it

13 Now Let’s Practice!

14 We have a strawberry __________ in our garden.

15 patch

16 The butterfly landed lightly on the ______________ of grass.

17 blade

18 Holly wrote her shopping list on her _____________________ so she wouldn’t forget the items she needed at the store.

19 notepad

20 The tree was ____________ in May.

21 budding

22 The butterfly will __________ its wings.

23 flutter

24 In the early morning, the grass is often wet with __________.

25 dew

26 The _______________ were flickering their lights on and off.

27 fireflies

28 Night Letters Grammar Day 1

29 Reading Grammar Connection
A hawkmoth rests on a crisp blade of grass. The subject of the sentence hawkmoth is singular. An s is added to the verb, rest, to agree with the subject.


31 Night Letters Word Study Day 1

32 Hocus Pocus This Week’s Focus is… consonant sounds /j/ and /k/
Large-greater than average in size Judge- a person who decides the winner of a contest. Mark- a spot or scratch Crack- a line showing where something is broken.

33 You Did It!!!

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