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Unemployment & Inflation

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Presentation on theme: "Unemployment & Inflation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unemployment & Inflation
2 Challenges for Government

2 Today’s Unemployment Rate
Labor Force: ,500,000 Unemployed Workers ,400,000 Unemployment Rate 5.0% (7.4 / million) = 5.0% )


4 Unemployment By Education
Less Than High School: % High School Graduate: % Less Than a Bachelor’s % College Graduate %

5 4-Types of Unemployment
Structural Skills do not match demand for labor Cyclical Too low a level of aggregate demand Frictional Temporarily between Jobs Seasonal Out of work based on time of year

6 Full Employment Unemployment cannot fall below the “natural” or full employment level (in long run) Approximately 4% allows for frictional & seasonal

7 INFLATION Economic condition of average prices rising Jeans $20 1997
GDP goes up => output remains the SAME Consumer Price Index (CPI) used to measure inflation


9 Historical Inflation Germany: “hyperinflation” after World War I
Currency became worthless USA: Late 1970s—Oil Crisis-- 13% USA: low inflation since [ %]



12 2-Types of Inflation Demand-Pull Inflation: Cost-Push Inflation
Too many dollars chasing too few goods Demand Side Inflation Cost-Push Inflation Increase in cost of factors of production Supply Side Inflation

13 Who is Helped by inflation?
People in Debt Large Mortgages, Car Loans, Student Loans

14 Who is Hurt by Inflation?
People on a fixed income

15 Why is inflation Bad? Difficult for Business to plan & price goods and services Lowers the value of our currency Lowers your purchasing power

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