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Cell Division JEOPARDY.

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1 Cell Division JEOPARDY

2 What Phase Is it? Vocabulary Cell Division Picture ID Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 What phase is it? 100 A: What is interphase ?
Chromosomes are spread out as chromatin DNA is copied Cell is “doing its job” A: What is interphase ?

4 What phase is it? 200 Chromatids separate and move to opposite poles
A: What is anaphase ?

5 What phase is it? 300 A: What is metaphase ?
Chromosomes line up in MIDDLE of the cell. A: What is metaphase ?

6 What phase is it? 400 A: What is prophase?
chromatin scrunches into chromosomes Nuclear membrane/nucleolus disappears Spindle fibers/centrioles appear A: What is prophase?

7 What phase is it? 500 Most of the life of any cell is spent in a period of growth called. A: What is interphase ?

8 Vocabulary 100 First cell that forms in fertilization.
A: What is zygote?

9 Vocabulary 200 Chromosomes contain the code know as.
A: What is a DNA ?

10 Vocabulary 300 The process identical cell division.
A: What is mitosis?

11 Vocabulary 400 In DNA, adenine always pairs with ______.
A: What is cytosine?

12 Vocabulary 500 Division of cytoplasm. A: What is cytokinesis?

13 Cell Division 100 At the end of meiosis this number of cells have been produced from the parent cell. A: What is 4.

14 Type of cell division used by bacteria to reproduce
A: What is binary fission?

15 Cell Division 300 Type of cell division used by eukaryotes to make more cells that are identical to the starting cell. A: What is mitosis?

16 Cell Division 400 Produces new cells having half the number of the chromosomes as the origional cell. A: What is meiosis?

17 Cell Division 500 Cell organelles that provide energy for cell division A: What are mitochondria?

18 Picture ID 100 A: What is a cleavage furrow?
This pinched in place in an animal cell during cytokinesis A: What is a cleavage furrow?

19 Picture ID 200 A: What is centromere ?
This holds the 2 chromatid copies together. A: What is centromere ?

20 Picture ID 300 A: What are centrioles?
This organelle is made of microtubules and helps to move the chromosomes to the poles. A: What are centrioles?

21 Picture ID 400 A: What is cell plate?
The divider that forms in a plant cell during cytokinesis. A: What is cell plate?

22 Picture ID 500 A: What are homologous chromosomes ?
Chromosomes that are the same size, same shape, and carry genes for the same traits A: What are homologous chromosomes ?

23 A cell that has two of every kind of chromosome is ____.
Potpourri 100 A cell that has two of every kind of chromosome is ____. A: What is diploid ?

24 Each human skin cell has ____ pairs of chromosomes.
Potpourri 200 Each human skin cell has ____ pairs of chromosomes. A: What is 23?

25 Potpourri 300 Hydra reproduce by ____. A: What is budding?

26 Regeneration is a type of this type of reproduction
Potpourri 400 Regeneration is a type of this type of reproduction A: What are asexual?

27 The joining of an egg and sperm is called?
Potpourri 500 The joining of an egg and sperm is called? A: What is fertilization?

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