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Our Moon.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Moon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Moon

2 Day 1 - The Phases of the Moon

3 Phases - HOT Questions:
How do the positions of the sun, moon, and earth affect the phases of the moon? What do the moon phases look like in the Southern Hemisphere? Following this slide, go to Activity “ Phases of the Moon” with foam balls and light source. Return to this slide after activity labeling sheet – glue in NB. Answer Questions, then show next slide.

4 Phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere
Phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere

5 Moonshine & Earthshine
Moonshine = Reflected Sunshine Earthshine = Light reflected from the earth

6 Moon Phases - Activity Materials: Sun Source = Bright Light Bulb Globe for Moon = Foam Ball Globe for Earth = Student’s Head Procedure: Follow Directions & Treat Materials w/ Respect

7 Check/Review w/ Labeling Sheet in NB.

8 The End DAY 1 – The Phases

9 Phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere
Phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere

10 DAY 2 Bell Work: now what do you think?

11 To be continued…. Day Two….

12 DAY 2 – Eclipses

13 Day 2 - Why do eclipses occur?
What happens during a lunar eclipse? What happens during a solar eclipse? What positions could they occur in?

14 During which phase(s) do you think an eclipse will occur???
Go to Eclipse Activity with foam balls and lamp.

15 Eclipses- Activity Materials: Sun Source = Bright Light Bulb Globe for Moon = Foam Ball Globe for Earth = Student’s Head Procedure: Follow Directions & Treat Materials w/ Respect

16 Because of this tilt, the Moon usually passes just above or below the Earth’s shadow. About once every six months the Moon can go right through the shadow of the Earth, creating a lunar eclipse.

17 Similarly, when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, it can momentarily block out the Sun, creating a solar eclipse.

18 The Moon’s orbit is tilted a little bit (about 5°) from the plane of the ecliptic.

19 Phases & Eclipses – Bell work QUIZ
1. How do the positions of the sun, moon, and Earth affect the phases of the moon? 2. What happens during a lunar eclipse? 3. What happens during a solar eclipse? 4. What do the moon phases look like in the Southern Hemisphere? Answer Questions, then show next slide.

20 To be continued…. Day Two….

21 DAY 3 – The Moon Moon Rise Moon Set

22 Moon Rise & Moon Set Activity
Review Rotation of Earth and the rising and setting of the Sun. Review the phases of the Moon and where they occur in orbit around the Earth. With a partner, determine when each phase of the Moon Rises & Sets. Record in Data Table in Notebook. Answer “Scenario” Questions.


24 (Approximate time of day)
Draw a table in your Notebook to record the rising & setting of the Moon. Phase (Describe in words) When Moon Rises (Approximate time of day) When Moon Sets Full Moon: (notes) New Moon: (notes) First Quarter: (notes) Third Quarter: (notes)

25 The approximate rising and setting of each moon phase:
When Moon Rises When Moon Sets Full Moon: (notes) I can just start to see it in the eastern horizon at 6pm. About 6pm About 6 am New Moon: (notes) It in my peripheral vision from about 6am to 6pm First Quarter: (notes) It starts to rise after noon. About Noon About Midnight Third Quarter: (notes) I can see it in the early morning sky & after sunrise.

26 Scenario #1 “Your family wants to go fishing early in the morning. Your favorite fishing hole is a long walk from your camp, so you must start walking when it is dark. What phase can the Moon be so you can hike in moonlight?” – Explain.

27 Scenario #2 “One special day, school is dismissed at noon. As you go home, you see the moon setting. What phase must the Moon be in if it is setting around noon?” -Explain

28 Scenario #3 “One morning you wake up just as the sun is about to rise. You turn around and the moon is setting on the other side of the sky. What phase is the Moon in?” – Explain.

29 Scenario # 4 “You and some friends go to a movie just as the sun is setting. You notice that the moon is high in the sky, almost over your head, at sunset. What phase is the Moon in?” – Explain.

30 Bell work: Choose the answer that best matches your thinking and explain to support you answer.

31 Day 4 – The Dark Side of the Moon

32 Moon’s orbit relative to Earth’s plane of rotation.

33 Dark Side of the Moon - HOT Questions
Does the Moon spin on its axis? Is there a dark side of the Moon, one that is always dark and never illuminated by the Sun? How long is a lunar day? How long is a ‘lunar year’-How long does it take to go around the Earth? Do people in Australia see the same side of the moon as we do?

34 Read 2.2 “The Moon is Earth’s Natural Satellite.”
Do: EXPLORE The Moon’s Motion - How much does the moon turn? P. 52 Answer the questions in your Science Notebook. Read the rest of page 52-53; “The Moon rotates as it orbits Earth.” Do: “Dark side of the Moon Activity”

35 Dark Side of the Moon - Activity
1 – Rotate as the Earth on your axis and observe what you can see as you turn. 2 – In pairs, one Moon & one Earth, have the Moon orbit the Earth always keeping its “face” towards the Earth. What does the Moon “see?” 3 – Now have the Moon try not to spin as it orbits the Earth. What does the Moon look like from the Earth?

36 Dark Side of the Moon HOT Questions
Does the Moon spins on its axis? Explain. Is there a dark side of the Moon, one that is always dark and never illuminated by the Sun? Draw a diagram to support your conclusion. How long is a lunar day? How long is a lunar year – How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth? Do people in Australia see the same side of the moon as we do? Review the questions.

37 Has your answer to this probing question changed?

38 Which of these students do you agree with. Why?

39 Earth Rise from the Moon
End Day 4 – Night side of the moon! Follow this lesson with the science fiction story “A Walk in the Sun” by astronomer Geoffrey Landis. Earth Rise from the Moon

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