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Nixon’s Domestic Agenda

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1 Nixon’s Domestic Agenda
How does the Silent Majority shape Nixon’s domestic policies?

2 Nixon would return law & order, declare a war on drugs
The Silent Majority Because of the chaos of the 60s, Nixon appealed to the “Silent Majority” (Middle class suburbanites & southerners) Nixon would return law & order, declare a war on drugs Discuss: What message is Nixon both sending to the silent majority and to the protest movement?

3 Law & Order Politics To restore law & order Nixon has FBI infiltrate anti-war groups, wire-tap protest organizers, liberals, and Democratic party Increases penalties for drug use Used IRS to harass anti-war leaders (surprise audits) Used VP Spiro Agnew to harass the media, which Nixon saw as anti-war cheerleaders Creates an “enemies list”

4 Nixon’s New Federalism
Wanted to decrease size of the Federal Govt (due to Great Society) by giving some Federal programs to state & local govts Nixon proposes revenue sharing program – state & local govts could spend federal aid dollars however they saw fit To win support of Congress, he increased money to some social programs but also “impounded” funds to other programs Discuss: What could be positive and negative about giving more power to state and local govs?

5 Social Changes Nixon pushes Family Assistance Plan (FAP) to replace welfare, poor family of 4 gets up to $5600 a year, requires job training Reps say too much guaranteed money, Dems say not enough Nixon compromises, will give more money to Medicaid & Food Stamps but will try to end HUD and EOA Senate still rejects FAP

6 Nixon’s Southern Strategy
Nixon tries to slow integration by asking Congress to slow down mandatory bussing NAACP files suit in Swan v. Mecklenburg- Supreme Court upholds bussing of minority students into white areas Many southerners begin switching to Republican party

7 Major Changes Under Nixon
Significant domestic events during Nixon’s presidency incl: First men walk on the moon (1969) 2. 26th Amendment – lowers voting age to 18 3. Title IX law – creates gender equality in sports & PE 4. Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – influenced by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (pesticides) Discuss: What was significant about moon landing?

8 A Stagnant Economy Too much spending on Vietnam + GS = stagflation (rising prices & unemployment) Gas prices rise due to OPEC oil embargo Wants reduce debt by 1) take US off gold standard ) raise taxes 3) cut spending (incl no tax money for USPS) 4) freeze prices & wages

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