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Room Parent Orientation

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1 Room Parent Orientation
Thursday, August Thank you for your time and for helping our teachers!

2 Let’s get started! Introduction
Please check and verify your addresses and make any corrections as needed. Please ”sign-in” by initialing on your class room parent list. Talk to fellow Room Parents Check your and complete the Survey that was sent earlier this week. Lead Room Parent assignments will be filled by next week. Deadline to submit survey is the end of this week! Sunday, September 2nd Verify that you are getting the Remind App Notifications. If you’re not, ask a fellow Room Parent to help get you set up….we are a team! WRITE DOWN MY INFORAMTION: Melanie Hinojosa, Room Parent Coordinator Phone Number:

3 Communication Org. Chart
Lauren Schpiro, Principal Amanda Sarchet, PTA President Melanie Hinojosa, Room Parent Coordinator Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) Lead Room Parent All Parents in the class

4 Sample Grade Level Structure
2nd Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) Samantha Tran Mrs. Lay’s Lead Chandler Bing Mrs. Paisley’s Lead Joey Tribbiani Mrs. Bailey’s Lead Ross Gellar Mrs. Pugh’s Lead Phoebe Buffay Mrs. Gatlin’s Lead Rachel Green Mrs. Douglas’s Lead NEEDED! Mrs. Taylor’s Lead Monica Geller

5 Lead Room Parent Responsibilities (Also see handbook)
Introduce yourself to your teacher and then to your classroom parents (see sample ”Welcome” letter in the handbook). - Ask class parents to help teacher as needed Communicate information to class parents Help organize 3 class parties and work with your GLC and fellow Room Parents if any help is needed. We have lots of parents who signed up to help coordinate parties-utilize them! Party coordination is at the discretion of the teacher. Coordinate teacher gifts (birthday, end of year, etc.) Use the Remind App to make text notifications and reminders to class parents from GLC and/or RPC. Deadline to set up a meeting with your teacher is September 14th See handbook for more info.

6 Communication- Remind App and or
Every Room Parent, Lead Room parent and GLC will need to sign up for the Remind App if you haven’t done so already. You should have already received prompts from me to do so. We are going to rely on to communicate as the main communication BUT statistically most people do not check their which is where Remind comes in. It sends messages via text IF you have the parents phone number. When the Lead Room Parent meets with their teacher they need to confirm they have access to classroom parents phone number. If not, the Lead Room Parent may need to send a printed letter asking for that information. There is a Sample Welcome Letter in the handbook. When you send a message through Remind, it will give you statistics on how many people have seen your message (which is awesome). And who didn’t receive it because of an error If you need help “Creating a Class” please reach out to the RPC. Once you set up a Class on the Remind App you can send the invitation to the classroom parents. ”Creating a Class” is the responsibility of the Lead Room Parent. All Room Parents will be added by them to their class. It is not necessary to download the app to your phone but I find that it is more useful when you do.

7 Room Parent Opportunities
On Campus Opportunities: Thursday Folders, Copy Assistance, Bulletin Board and Door Decorating, etc. Off Campus Opportunities: Take home work from the teacher (glue, staple, organize students work, etc.) Buying supplies for the classroom (per teacher request)

8 Bobcat Bash Saturday, October 27th
A booth will be run by your classroom. All info will be provided by the Bobcat Bash Committee Chair and the PTA. Lead Room Parent will need to recruit OR be the Bobcat Bash Coordinator for your classroom. The Lead Room Parent will communicate with all class parents about the needs for your booth. Room Parents will make this event a success! Lead Room Parent or Bobcat Bash Coordinator for your class will need to set up Sign-Up Genius to ask for donations for your booth activity and for volunteers to run the booth in 30 minute shifts.

9 Room Parent Corner If you haven’t done so already, please visit: When you click on “Room Parent Corner” you will have access to some valuable information including the room parent handbook so you can download at anytime. Under your Grade Level Information (Kinder, 1st, etc.) we’ve collected as much info about your Teacher as we can. That is where you can find out if they have a “Favorites List” available. If you have any of the missing information for your teacher, please send it to the PTA at and the website. Lead Room Parent - Gather the information that is missing from your initial teacher meeting to fill in the holes online.

10 Volunteer Background Check
Every volunteer that is in the classroom, on campus, on field trips, interacts with students in any way needs to complete the district background check. The link is in your Room Parent Handbook and found on the Room Parent Corner on the PTA website: This is mandatory, this must be completed and you must be cleared to volunteer on campus or on field trips.

11 Logging Your Volunteer Hours
When on-campus you must sign in and out at the front desk as “PTA Volunteer.” You must wear your badge at all times, no exception. When working off-campus (”homework” for teachers, typing up/sending s, shopping for items for class, creating sign-up geniuses, etc.) you must keep track of those hours and log them on PT-Avenue. Instructions on how to do so are in your handbook in the Appendix and can be found on the Room Parent Corner.

12 Room Parent Committee Members
I’m in search of additional committee members. This is a great year to be involved in this committee because it’s new and the ideas you put forth may be put in place for years to come. We meet once a month prior to the PTA Board meeting to discuss ways to improve, where there may be more help needed, bounce off ideas, etc.

This is going to be a great year because of each of you! Any questions? CONTACT INFO: Melanie Hinojosa Phone Number:

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