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Human Rights and Children Rights

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1 Human Rights and Children Rights
Year 5 Exhibition 2012 AIS Vietnam Danae, Luc, Quynh Anh, Mathieu, Christoffer Human Rights and Children Rights

2 Inquiry questions Why are there many children who don't have human rights and equal opportunities? Why do certain people have easier access to human rights than other people? What is the point of view of a child who does not have easy access to human rights? Have your parents ever treated you differently because of your look or answer or your ability to do something etc.? Some people don't even have rights. Why is that? Why does not UN help everyone who does not have easy access to human rights?

3 Inquiry questions We have came up a method to the big question that we inquired on. We were coming the same ideas between children rights with education and health. Ex: Why are there so many children don’t have easy access to human rights? Answer: By finding the links between, we can find the answer. Our answer was because of health and poverty lead to the problem that the children don’t have children rights. In Vietnam, many parents are shame to let our disability children to school, so they don’t have education. If they don’t have education, so they didn’t have children rights. That is how we are answering questions by our own and researching. We had some interview, so we found the answer by interviewing the expert.

4 Interview We had an interview with Sister Trish from Loreto Vietnam. We got some deeply answers after this interview.

5 UNICEF UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund or originally the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) is an agency devoted to the welfare of children and cooperates with the World Health Organization in immunization programs.   UNICEF was established in 1946 and currently has over 200 offices in 115 developing countries. The current focus is on establishing long-term human development and on providing emergency relief and rehabilitation assistance when needed. ( Source:

6 Human Rights What are human rights?

7 Human Rights Human rights are rights that everyone has to protect their selves. Human rights play a part in virtually all aspects of your life and it protects you. Human rights will protect you from regardless of your race, colour, sex, language, national or social origin, economic or other status, and political or religious beliefs

8 Human Rights We Are All Born Free & Equal Don't Discriminate
The Right to Life No Slavery No Torture You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go We’re All Equal Before the Law Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law No Unfair Detainment

9 Human Rights The Right to Trial
We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty The Right to Privacy Freedom to Move The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live Right to a Nationality Marriage and Family The Right to Your Own Things Freedom of Thought

10 Human Rights Freedom of Expression The Right to Public Assembly
The Right to Democracy Social Security Workers’ Rights The Right to Play Food and Shelter for All The Right to Education Copyright

11 Human Rights A Fair and Free World Responsibility
No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

12 UN Children Rights Text of the UN Rights of the Child - in child friendly language "Rights" are things that every child should have or be able to do. All children have the same rights. These rights are listed in the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child. Almost every country has agreed to these rights. All the rights are connected to each other, and all are equally important. Sometimes, we have to think about the rights in terms of what is the best for children in a situation, and what is critical to life and protection from harm. As you grow, you have more responsibility to make choices and exercise your rights.

13 UN Children Rights UN Children Rights will protect the children, but there are a big conflict about children rights or human rights. There are 2 more areas that related to children rights or human rights that can lead us to solve the answer that we inquired on.

14 What are Children Rights?
UN Children Rights What are Children Rights?

15 How do children rights link to other areas?
UN Children Rights How do children rights link to other areas?

16 UN Children Rights There are 2 areas that related to children rights are health and education.

17 UN Children Rights ( Health)
Health is related to children rights or human rights because of the circumstances of their physical condition impacts on their education or children rights Ex: disability In Vietnam, many parents are shame to let our children that have disabilities outside the social or school. They didn’t have children rights and education because of their physical condition.

18 UN Children Rights ( Education)
Education is related to children rights because education is one of the UN Children Rights. Ex: poor family In Vietnam, poor family, children are labours. They have to work for the family to have moneys. All days, they have to work, so they can’t access to education and children rights.

19 100% ENJOY! Quizzes and Prizes
We have 2 different quizzes and 20 first people who got the answers in each quizzes will have prizes. 40 different prizes that inside the box ENJOY! 100%

20 The end!

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