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Learning Objective(s)

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1 Learning Objective(s)
Today we will learn the following: Develop an understanding of the benefits and how to make a halving joint. Demonstrate the safe use of a range of marking out equipment and hand tool. Literacy Focus: Halving Saw, Tenon, Marking Gauge, Tri-square, bench hook Numeracy Focus: Multiplication, area Must Demonstrate how to use a range of tools safely Name a benefit of a halving joint Should Demonstrate how to use a range of tools safely and accurately Name two benefits of a halving joint and compare benefits with a mitre joint. Demonstrate how to use a range of tools safely, accurately and independently. Critically identify and explain the benefits of a halving joint. Could

2 Store and edit information
Starter Each piece of equipment we will use today has a name and a process. Here is an example. Process Store and edit information Name Computer

3 Develop knowledge on how to make a halving joint
Learning Outcomes: Develop knowledge on how to make a halving joint How to use a tenon saw, coping saw, marking gauge and tri-square to a good degree of accuracy

4 Tools we will use (Literacy and understanding quiz)
Name Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. What are the benefits of a halving joint 1. 2. 4.

5 Halving Joint Halving joint There are many versions of the halving joint but they all involve removing half of the wood from each piece using a saw or a chisel. This joint is often strengthened with dowel.

6 Mitre Joint vs. Halving Joint
On your bench discuss which is better, Mitre joint or Lap Joint. Each bench will provide one possible answer. Here’s one clue.

7 What are the benefits of a Halving Joint?
The larger gluing surface means a halving joint is stronger that a mitre joint, and is often used to make a corner stronger. Are there other benefits? Lets make one.

8 What are the benefits of a Halving Joint?
Numeracy: In pairs calculate the surface area of each joint to be glued. 10mm x 50mm Equals Equals 5mm x 50mm 50mm x 50mm 5mm x 50mm

9 Halving Joint step 1 Tri square for marking right angles

10 Halving Joint step 2

11 Halving Joint step 3 Use the marking gauge to draw a parallel line.

12 Halving Joint step 4 Shade in the area you are going to remove. This is called the waste.

13 Halving Joint step 5 Cut down half way, get close to the line but not on the line.

14 Halving Joint step 6

15 Quality Control Measure

16 Process Name Holds wood securely for cutting. Bench Hook Process Name For marking or checking right angles on materials. Tri Square Name Process Marking Gauge For marking parallel lines on materials Name Process Tenon Saw Cuts wood in straight lines

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