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Map of Great Britain’s Plan 3 pronged attack

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1 Map of Great Britain’s Plan 3 pronged attack

2 3 pronged attacked General J. Burgoyne would travel south from Canada.
A 2nd Force led by Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger would move east from Lake Ontario. General Howe would move north from New York All would meet in Albany and destroy the Patriot army.

3 British Capture Philadelphia!!! September 1777
British: William Howe Colonial: George Washington Battle: Howe marches toward Philadelphia and the Continental Congress was forced to flee!!!

4 Battle of Germantown Oct. 1777
Howe vs. G.W. Washington attacks the main British camp, but is forced to withdraw. Howe stays for the winter and prolongs his journey to Albany. This will cause issues with the British 3-pronged plan.


6 Plans to take Albany are slowed by….
Benedict Arnold’s troops stopping the British at Ft. Stanwix, NY Burgoyne is slowed by his need to luxury goods and Colonial guerilla tactics Burgoyne retreats to Saratoga

7 Battle of Saratoga (Oct. 1777)
Colonial leader: General Horatio Gates British Leader: General Burgoyne Battle: Burgoyne outnumbered, no reinforcements, surrenders.

8 Result of Battle of Saratoga
Huge victory of colonial army Howe resigns and is replaced by General Henry Clinton France recognizes American Independence Britain’s plan to separate New England colonies from the Middle colonies fails

9 Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778

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