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Welcome to Class RN.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class RN

2 Teacher: Mrs Henrys Nursery Nurses: Mrs Rigby and Mrs Latham

3 Morning Routine Breakfast Self registration – name cards Assembly
Carpet session – English/Maths Adult-led and child initiated activities Phonics Lunch

4 Afternoons Registration/Lunch choices Carpet session
Adult led / child initiated Outdoors Story time Home time routine

5 WEEKEND NEWS News sheets will be brought home on a Friday. Encourage children to discuss weekend activities and draw a picture on the sheet. News shared in class on a Monday morning. Children record news in class book.

6 CLASS BEAR Bernard Bear goes home for the weekend with one child who has impressed him all week. Bernard comes home in a bag with his diary. Please help him fill it in. Bernard needs to come back to school on Monday to tell us all about his adventures.

7 Tiddly Om Pom Poms Wednesday afternoon
Mrs Anderton from Blackpool Music Service Songs and instruments

8 English and Maths board
Our weekly maths focus will go on here each week. Our weekly phonics / English focus (including speaking and listening, reading and writing skills) Have a look each week to see what our focus is.

9 Outdoor learning Wellingtons Waterproofs Different to indoor learning!

10 Behaviour rocket The children start off at the top of the rocket everyday. Visual reminder- Green-Amber-Red Rewards on a Friday

11 Star of the week A child will be chosen as ‘Star of the day’.
They get a ‘Star of the day’ sticker and the privilege of sitting on the ‘Star of the day’ chair.

12 Bucket filling award In Reception each week the children can fill their buckets. The child with the most items in their bucket at the end of each half term gets a certificate. The children can earn items for their bucket by demonstrating good behaviour and being kind to others.

13 Super pupil certificate
Awarded to one child each week in assembly. The super pupil is awarded by the class teacher and can be for a range of reasons e.g. trying hard, being a kind friend, meeting a challenge. We will start to go into assemblies once the children are settled into routines.

14 BLOG Link through the school website Updated weekly
Shows activities experienced throughout the week

15 School library visit every Friday.
Books can be borrowed each week. Books must be returned every Friday.

16 PE Autumn Term PE will be on a Friday In the school hall
Children need kit in school every day in a named bag Black pumps, white t shirt and black shorts No earrings

17 Wow moments Wow moments are for sharing.
Wow slips are sent home. Please ask for more when needed. Swimming certificates, new baby, learning to ride bike etc… Slips returned to school to share with class.

18 Thank you for listening.
Any questions please ask.

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