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Producing a Triptych By Tony Cheshire

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Presentation on theme: "Producing a Triptych By Tony Cheshire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Producing a Triptych By Tony Cheshire
Knowle Camera Club Producing a Triptych By Tony Cheshire 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

2 Last Years winning Braithwaite set
Typical set Numbering A B C D Triptych D A B C 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

3 Typical Triptych layouts
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

4 Typical Triptych layouts
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

5 Manipulating the digital images
There are many different types of manipulation S/W available, normally one is supplied with the camera. The “Industry Standard “is PhotoShop closely followed by PaintShop Pro. The cost of the latest version CS6 is approx £725 Many people use PhotoShop Elements which is a cut down version of Photoshop the latest version 12 costs about £62 and version 7 £25 and does 90% of its big brother. There is also PaintShop Pro cost version X6 is £50 and X3 £26. Picasa 3 is free software supplied by Google but is more limited. However if you only want to do small changes to your photographs it is more than adequate. Another Free software is GIMP which is similar to Photoshop. 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

6 Manipulating the digital images
When working with the pictures, changing them and resaving them, care should be taken if they are in JPEG format, as this is a compression type. Each time the picture is saved it is compressed, and after being saved only a few times, 3 or 4, it becomes unusable. A better alternative is to use TIFF files and covert them to be JPEG at the end when you require a smaller file size. If the camera has only JPEG output, then save them to TIFF in Photoshop etc. first before doing any changes. 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

7 Demonstrations, Picasa 3
Picasa 3 can be downloaded by putting “download Picasa 3” into Google, or going directly to Basic Features Tuning Effects Cropping Fill Light Sharpen Straighten Highlights Sepia Colour manipulation Shadows B & W Retouch (Cloning) Colour Temp. Colour saturation Red eye reduction Colour picker Text Fill light Other features Upload Print Collage 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

8 Picasa 3 --Opening page 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

9 Picasa 3 – Edit Menu Or double click on chosen picture 22/02/2019
Knowle Camera Club

10 Collages Can be used to produce the Triptych for 3 of a kind
Choose 3 pictures Press collage button Pictures show here 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

11 Produced Collage 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

12 Arrange Collage 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

13 Add Text 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

14 Collage completed 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

15 Collage completed, shown in Explorer
My Documents My Pictures Picasa Collage can be re-titled and moved to the competitions folder. 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

16 Saving Files in Picasa 3 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

17 Saving Files in Picasa 3 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

18 Saving Files in Picasa 3 The size of the picture can be set when saving using the export command. Set the slider to 1200 for projection. 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

19 Producing Triptych using Photoshop Elements
Stages in process Produce Background layer Open the 3 pictures required Size the pictures Position them Colour the background Add Text Flatten the image Save the Triptych 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

20 Toolbar Move Zoom Hand Eyedropper Rectangular Marquee Lasso Magic Wand
Magic Selection Brush Type Crop Cookie Cutter Straighten Red eye Removal Healing Brush Clone Eraser Brush Paint Bucket Gradient Custom Shape Blur Burn Set Foreground Colour 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

21 Producing Triptych using Photoshop Elements
File New Set title and file size to 1200 x 800 pixels Resolution 200 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

22 Triptych – Insert 3 files
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

23 Triptych – Resize the 3 images 1
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

24 Triptych – Resize the 3 images 2
Set the size in % 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

25 Triptych – Position images
1 Choose background layer 2 Move pictures, one at a time, using click and drag 3 Move pictures into position as shown on next slide 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

26 Triptych – Move tool Move Tool 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

27 Triptych – Magic Wand Magic Wand Identifies area to be coloured
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

28 Triptych – Colour background
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

29 Triptych – Colour background
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

30 Add Text Text font and size Text colour Text button 22/02/2019
Knowle Camera Club

31 Triptych – Flatten Layers
22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

32 Saving Files, PhotoShop
Choose file type 22/02/2019 Knowle Camera Club

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