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What is a Marathon? A Marathon is a 26.2 mile long race. Many people take part and are committed to do such a technical event. You can either run, walk,

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Marathon? A Marathon is a 26.2 mile long race. Many people take part and are committed to do such a technical event. You can either run, walk,"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Marathon? A Marathon is a 26.2 mile long race. Many people take part and are committed to do such a technical event. You can either run, walk, skip, do it in a wheel chair, hop, jump or you can push a child along in a pram. It does not matter how you do it all that matters is that you are ready to do it and want to face some tough challenges. Some people have a target to aim for or to beat. But for most people all that matters is that they finish the race. My dad ran the Marathon and his target was 3 hours and 30 minutes.

3 Charity work My Dad (Brian) ran the astonishing marathon for charity. This lovely fellow ran for Weston Park and Alzheimer's society. At the moment Brian has raised £ for Weston Park and £ for Alzheimer’s society. His target for both of them is £ This is not the final amount of money because the sponsorship is still open if you want to sponsor him, and congratulate him on completing his second marathon. The website is or to sponsor Alzheimer's go to .

4 Have a stretching habit
Leading up to the Marathon you have to do exercises and stretches every day so that your body does not stiffen up. You can do exercises and stretches involving your, legs, glutes (the muscle on the top of your bottom), arms, shoulders, hips and your core ( your stomach muscle). A great exercise for your legs are leg swings these are where you swing your leg back and forth trying to get them as high as you possibly can.

5 Training, injuries and commitments
When you sign up and it has been confirmed that you are doing it you have to train hard and one thing you have to give up is Alcohol. Another thing you have to give up is time because when you go for your run, walk etc it takes time to complete it. Some people make a target like I have to do 45 miles in a week, so they would go training every night of the week and complete their target. Even better, you can go 10 miles extra so that your body is pushing itself to its limit and next time you do it, it will find it easier because your brain tells you that you can achieve it.

6 Food and drink Food and drink that you should have:
Fruit and vegetables(bananas, potatoes, apples) Pasta Rice Carbohydrates Protein Food and drink you should not have: Crisps Sweets and chocolate Spicy food Alcohol Cheese Fat

7 The Big Day At this year’s Dublin Marathon 2014 the crowds were deafening people ran the mind blowing race. The support was gigantic. The main sponsors were Lucozade, SSE Electricity and Tipperary Water. One of the innovative parts of this Marathon was at mile 22. Here Lucozade had put up a huge cinema screen which posted messages of support which you could send before the start. When the person got to the screen, the chip on there shoe would link to the screen and would show some of their messages! All through the race there was support. We cheered him on at miles 2, 13 and My dad completed the whole Marathon in 3 hours and 30 minutes, his target!

8 Recovery and After Effects
After the marathon you will be excused. The next day some of your muscles will be tight at that is good because it means that you have put effort in to the race. When you have tight muscles it would be best for someone to massage them so they get looser and it is likely to stop hurting as much to walk around. You may get blisters from your trainers or get really painful sores. Even worse, my dad has got a blister under his toenail (how painful)!

9 Quiz 1 How far is a Marathon? 34.4 miles 45 kilometres 26.2 miles

10 Wrong


12 Quiz 2 Which two charities did my dad run for?
Weston Park and Cancer Research Alzheimer's Society and Weston Park Cancer Research and Alzheimer’s

13 Wrong


15 Quiz 3 Which one should you eat more of? Carbohydrates Fat Sugar

16 Wrong


18 Quiz 4 Which one should you do when you are running? Take it easy
Push your body to its limit Be lazy

19 Wrong


21 Quiz 5 Why do you have to stretch? To stop your body to stiffen
For fun To stop loosening your muscles

22 Wrong





27 Thank you for watching and taking part in the quiz!

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